Quick install for ISD Services only which supports only for Argo.
To experience ISD quickly, you can install it and deploy your applications. Note that the instructions below are intended to get you started quickly and try out ISD functionality. This is not suitable for production or any environment where security is a concern. To begin installation, you'll need a Kubernetes cluster (with 2 nodes with 32GB RAM each) and kubectl set-up.
Namespace will be created automatically
Apply the yaml files
kubectl -n opsmx-autopilot apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpsMx/isd-ap-quick-install/main/ap-without-argo/ap-quickinstall.yaml
WAIT for about 10-15 min, depending on network speed.
It is normal for some pods to go into error/crashloop before stabilising.
Check the status of the pods by executing this command
kubectl -n opsmx-autopilot get po
Port-forward the service
Once all pods show "Running" or "Completed" status, execute below command below to port-forward
Keep running, it shows messages such as "Forwarding from -> 8080"
kubectl -n opsmx-autopilot port-forward svc/oes-ui 8080
Access the UI
Login using browser with http://localhost:8080
- username admin
Password can be retrieve the by using the below command
kubectl get secret openldap -o jsonpath='{.data.LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD}'| base64 -d