Kitsune is a program that allows one to easily reverse engineer or analyze a limited set of languages.
Created and maintained by OpticFusion1!
❗ IMPORTANT! ☕ Java 17 or higher must be installed. ❗
Java, VBScript (Limited Support), and HTML.
Support for more languages will be added over time.
To use Kitsune to its full extent, it's important to know all available commands and when to use them.
All commands can be found in the wiki
Download a compiled jar or build it from source and then run it using java -jar Kitsune.jar
The first step to running Kitsune is obtaining a compiled jar.
You can either download it from releases or build it yourself.
Once you have obtained your Kitsune.jar run it using java -jar Kitsune.jar
If you want the latest stable version, I strongly recommend releases
$ git clone
$ cd Kitsune/
$ mvn clean install
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This is a preview output generated using the command analyze <file>