A tool for [(semi-){un-(tethered jailbreak)}] of iOS 10.3.4 32-bit devices iPhone 5 with checkm8 BootROM exploit.
- All at your own risk!
- The package used for this jailbreak can be obtained via Cydia from the following repository.
- iPhone 5 (N41/N42) - iOS 10.3.4
- macOS 10.13 (or later?) (intel/x86_64)
./build.sh all
cd build
Please refer to the build/ directory.
It uses an IPA App based jailbreak. (reloader/ directory)
In order to use this, you need to jailbreak your device with "semi-tethered jailbreak" first.
The pre-built IPA file can be obtained from: p0insettia
You can use ReProvision Reborn (via Packix) or similar to install and use IPA files on your device. All at your own risk.
It uses an iBoot(iOS 7 iBoot) exploit based jailbreak. (ETA SON)
This jailbreak will not apply the nuke sandbox patch used by h3lix.
In iOS 10.3 and later, apps under /Applications will also be sandboxed. so, Apps such as Cydia will be sandboxed and will not work. For this reason, this jailbreak adds a key to Cydia's entitlements to disable sandbox.
- Key
Some other jailbreak apps may require this entitlement.
- entitlement key
- @axi0mX for the checkm8 exploit
- @LinusHenze for the Fugu
- @planetbeing for XPwn and ios-jailbreak-patchfinder
- @xerub for the ibex
- @libimobiledevice for the libirecovery
- @synackuk for the atropine
- checkra1n team for the kernel patch method