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Current production Oregon Digital running Fedora 3 and Hydra 6.

New development is focused on Oregon Digital 2:

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Local Development Setup

Using Docker

Grab everything you need

# Grab the repository
git clone

# Start the whole stack - on your first run, this can take a while to download
# all the necessary images
docker-compose up -d

Making zoomable images work

Create config/app.yml with information about how to reach your local system's RAIS container; e.g.:

  location: http://localhost:12415/images/dzi

You may need to choose something other than localhost if you're doing a demo or running docker inside a virtual machine. The rest of the settings (port and path) should remain untouched.

Generate filler data

First, run the rake task:

docker-compose exec workers bundle exec rake filler_data

Next, log into the main application by browsing to http://localhost:3000/users/sign_in. Docker sets up the admin user as "" with the password "admin123". Once you're signed in, visit http://localhost:3000/resque/overview and watch the queue slowly get processed. This can take a while, but once it's done you should have 3 collections of dummy data.


Easy as ./docker/! Except....

  • Want to focus tests? Just pass in a path: ./docker/ spec/models.
  • If you need to ensure your environment is pristine, use the --destroy flag, which will destroy and rebuild all containers.

Updating Gems

The safest way to update gems is to destroy and rebuild the dev image, otherwise you're only updating gems within a container, and containers do not necessarily persist very long.

docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm
docker rmi oregondigital/od1-dev
docker-compose build workers

You can also run "bundle install" inside a particular container, but this should only be done if you know what you're doing. It can get really confusing when you accidentally use docker-compose run when you meant docker-compose exec. Or if you choose the wrong container name.

Various other docker stuff

This list of commands should get you moving forward with most typical development tasks:

# When you change code, if you start getting odd errors, you may have to
# restart the OD containers:
docker-compose restart web workers resquehead

# If things are still "weird", rebuild the OD containers:
docker-compose stop web workers resquehead
docker-compose rm web workers resquehead
docker-compose build web workers resquehead
docker-compose up -d

# If you need a "hard reset", nuke it!  WARNING: THIS WILL REMOVE ALL YOUR

# When nukes just don't destroy enough, try out a SUPERNOVA!  This will remove
# every Docker entity related to OD, which will mean re-downloading the images:

# Watch the logs for everything
docker-compose logs -f

# Just watch the Rails web app logs
docker-compose logs -f web


Requires Ruby 2.0

(Mongo needs to be running, 2.4 is known to work: )

git clone
cd oregondigital
bundle install
rake db:migrate
git submodule init
git submodule update
rake hydra:jetty:config

On a newer install, may have to pin

Symlink media directories:

ln -s /path/to/rails/media public/media
ln -s /path/to/rails/media/thumbnails public/thumbnails

Install memcached if needed, or make sure it's running (needed for login sessions):

Start the servers:

rake jetty:start
rails server

Vagrant Setup

Requires Git, VirtualBox, and Vagrant. Also requires 3 gigs of RAM to be available for the VM which vagrant creates.

Option 1: manual submodule setup:

git clone
cd oregondigital
git submodule init
git submodule update

Option 2: automatic submodule setup:

git clone --recursive
cd oregondigital

Either way, you then tell vagrant to download and start the virtual machine:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

After vagrant ssh you'll be logged into the VM. From there, you'll want to start the Rails server:

cd /vagrant
rails server

You can browse the app via http://localhost:3000, and check on the jetty container (which houses solr and fedora) at http://localhost:8983.