Author: Orel Vaizman
That project is a REST API project that's written in Node.JS, it's including two entities (Team, User), JWT is being used for user-autentication, and Mongoose as for the database-persistence layer.
- Run npm install
- Run npm start
Fields' Lengths' resitrications can be found at the models. *
User Requests *
Registering a user request: The request requires the following data to be send through the body: { firstName, lastName, email, password, confirmPassword }.
Logging a user request: The request requires the following data to be send through the body: { email, password }
Logging a user out request: No information should be sent.
- Team Requests *
Creating a team request: The request requires the following data to be send through the body: { name }
Deleting a team request: The request requires the following data to be send through the body: { teamId }
Adding a member request: The request requires the following data to be send through the body: { teamId, userId }
Updating a member's status request(Manager status updating): The request requires the following data to be send through the body: { userId, teamId, isManager (true/false) }