This is the back-end code for Astro Social. For the Sun calculation library, I'm using my own tiny library. You can get the code on Calculation of Sun repo
// First enter to the project folder with terminal
// and type :
npm start
First create astro-social database on your mongodb and fill it with user collection. Check this out for collection sample :
"_id" : ObjectId("5b32ba344f795436f83cfd8d"),
"username" : "Orion",
"name" : "Robby",
"email" : "",
"password" : "$2a$10$0TgZiQfg3oVn2kuPlADaKu/7pqk1I2JVtK17olZgNPLI9gVLjpGpq"
Database Name : astro-social
Collection Name : user
User Collection documents field : _id, username, name, email, password
If you get an error when start this project for the first time.
You need to delete the node_modules folder and run npm install command
On this project, I create 2 namespaces for the socket. :
* Socket namespace for getting the sun data
let sun_data = socketIO.of('/sun');
sun_data.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('get.sun.informations', (data) => {
console.log(data.user + " asking for sun's data");
socket.emit('sunsdata', {
informations: sun.sunInformation(new Date(), 3.597031, 98.678513)
* Socket namespace for chatting port
let world_chat = socketIO.of('/chat')
world_chat.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.broadcast.emit('newparticipant', { message: "We got a new participant" });
socket.on('deliver.message', (data) => {
world_chat.emit('new.message', data);
Base Url "http://localhost:4322"
Route | Expected Parameter or Header |
/nasa/neo/today | Authorization header which is already filled with token |
/nasa/neo/bydate/:start_date/:end_date | Url params(start_data[string], end_date[string] and Authorization header which is already filled with token) |
/user/login | JSONObject(username, password) |
/user/register | JSONObject(username, name, email, password) |
This code is for my lecturer as my assignment. Thankyou