The sample Hardhat project using @hardhat-compound-plugin
npm install
yarn install
npx hardhat test
code sample Source : ./test/index.ts
import hre, { ethers } from "hardhat";
import { formatUnits, parseUnits } from "ethers/lib/utils";
import { assert } from "chai";
import { deployErc20Token, Erc20Token } from "@thenextblock/hardhat-erc20";
import {
} from "@thenextblock/hardhat-compound";
const ctokenArgs: CTokenDeployArg[] = [
cToken: "cUNI",
underlying: UNI.address,
underlyingPrice: UNI_PRICE,
collateralFactor: "500000000000000000", // 50%
cToken: "cUSDC",
underlying: USDC.address,
underlyingPrice: USDC_PRICE,
collateralFactor: "500000000000000000", // 50%
const { comptroller, cTokens, priceOracle, interestRateModels }
= await deployCompoundV2(ctokenArgs, deployer);
await comptroller._setCloseFactor(parseUnits("0.5", 18).toString());
await comptroller._setLiquidationIncentive(parseUnits("1.08", 18));
const { cUNI, cUSDC } = cTokens;
npx hardhat run npx hardhat run ./scripts/sample.ts
Source: ./script/sample.ts
.../contracts/Compound.sol Deploy Lcal contract and interact with Compound protocol
const Compound = await ethers.getContractFactory("Compound");
const compound = await Compound.deploy(comptroller.address);
await compound.deployed();
console.log("Compound deployed to:", compound.address);
// Call public view function
await compound.cTokens();