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Osama Al-Rashed edited this page Sep 28, 2024 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Gridazor wiki!


If you're using ASP.NET Core MVC or Razor Pages, you've likely encountered scenarios where you need to submit a list of objects with the ability to add, update, and delete items. While there are many solutions using Ajax or repeaters, I prefer to handle this without excessive JavaScript or Ajax.

Gridazor aims to provide HTML Helpers that allow you to easily manipulate lists, much like basic properties (such as numbers or strings), without requiring tons of JavaScript. Most configurations can be done directly from C#!


Gridazor uses the Ag-Grid library on the front-end, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with it. The key feature to understand is column definitions (columnDefs), which allow you to specify details like data type and header names. Gridazor enables you to define columns directly in C#.


You can install Gridazor via NuGet Package Manager:

Install-Package Gridazor

Import the Ag Grid library in your page/layout:

<script src=""></script>

Download this zip file that contains all the required CSS/js files, later I will try to include it inside the Nuget package itself.

Import Gridazor.js file into your page or layout:

<script src="yourPath/Gridazor.js"></script>


Define your list inside your ViewModel:

public class IndexVM
    public List<Product> Products { get; set; } = [];

Example usage:

public class Product
    [Required(false)] // auto generated
    public Guid Id { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid();

    public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;

    public string? Description { get; set; }

In the View you can add your form and use Gridazor HTML helper:

@Html.GridEditorFor(x => x.Products, "myGrid", "ag-theme-quartz")

GridEditorFor takes 3 parameters:

In the scripts part you must initiate the Gridazor object:

const gridElement = document.querySelector('#myGrid');
const gridazor = new Gridazor(gridElement, {
    propertyName: '@nameof(Model.Products)',
    enableDelete: true,
    deleteButtonId: "delete-button"

Gridazor object has the following properties:

  • propertyName: The name of your list property, and it's required.
  • enableRtl: enables right to left direction, the default is false.
  • enableDelete: enables deleting the rows, the default is true,
  • deleteButtonId: the id of the custom delete button, if you set enableDelete to true then you should pass the id.
  • addByButton: enables adding the row by custom button, the default is false where when you fill all required cells, then the row will be inserted automatically.
  • addButtonId: the id of the custom add button, if you set addByButton to true then you should pass the id.
  • overrideColumnDefs: list of column definitions that override the column definition in csharp, so if you want to configure the column with something not available by csharp configuration, you can use this, if you add property that already exists, it will override it, here it is example:
    public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    field: "name",
    headerName: "Product Name"

See more here about the column definition:

In your class, you can configure the properties using Attributes:

  • [CellDataType("Cell Type")]: specify the data type of a column's cell, please see:
  • [CellEditor("Cell Editor")]: specify the cell editor, please see:
  • [Editable(true / false)]: specify whether the property is editable in the grid.
  • [Field("Filed Name")]: specify the field name for the grid column
  • [HeaderName("Header Name")]: specify a custom header name for the grid column.
  • [Hide]: specify that the column should be hidden.
  • [Required(true / false)]: specify whether the property is required, the default is true for the non-nullable value type, and false otherwise.
  • [RowSelection]: specify that the column is selectable, this attribute will add these properties behind the sense:
    headerCheckboxSelection: true,
    checkboxSelection: true,
    showDisabledCheckboxes: true

See more:


Custom Columns Provider

If you don't like the attribute approach you can define your custom IColumnsProvider:

public class CustomColumnProvider : IColumnsProvider { // .... }

and you can pass it to Gridazor Html Helper:

@Html.GridEditorFor(x => x.Products, "myGrid", "ag-theme-quartz", myCustomColumnProvide)

My advice here is: inject your custom provider as Singlton.

Select cell:

Aggrid provides two select editors:

the issue with 'agSelectCellEditor' is very limited, so if you don't need to go with paid option, I added a custom Dropdown, and you can find it inside the zip file. To use it you should GridazorDropdown.css and GridazorDropdown.js:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="~/lib/Gridazor/GridazorDropdown/GridazorDropdown.css" />
<script src="~/lib/Gridazor/GridazorDropdown/GridazorDropdown.js"></script>

Add the property in your class:

public int CatId { get; set; }

and you must configure it from javascript only:

    field: "catId",
    cellEditor: GridazorDropdown,
    cellEditorParams: {
        values: => ({
    valueFormatter: (params) => gridazorDropdownHelper.valueFormatter(params)

File cell

Gridazor offers basic file input so you can upload and download the files. To use it you should define a property that implements the IFileInput interface:

public class FileInput : IFileInput
    public IFormFile? File { get; set; }
    public string? Name { get; set; }
    public string? Path { get; set; }

public class Product
   // ..

   public FileInput? Image { get; set; }

In js part:

overrideColumnDefs: [
        field: "image",
        cellEditor: GridazorFileInput,
        cellRenderer: (params) => gridazorFileInputHelper.cellRender(params)
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