Hybrid Android and iOS React Native app with WebView
- Homebrew,
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
- RVM,
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash
- NVM,
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash
- Ruby 2.7.6,
rvm install 2.7.6 && rvm --default use 2.7.6
- Node.js 18.14.0,
nvm install 18.14.0 && nvm alias default 18.14.0
- Watch,
brew install watchman
- Open JDK 11,
brew tap homebrew/cask-versions && brew install --cask zulu11
- CocoaPods,
rvm use 2.7.6 && gem install cocoapods
- Xcode tools installed
- Ensure all paths are set correctly, i.e. RVM, NVM, JDK, CocoaPods, Android home, etc.
- Get into project base folder
- Run
yarn install
- Run
yarn pod-install
- Run
yarn serve-webview-content
- Then run
yarn ios
oryarn android
to build the app
The content of WebView can use window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage()
to send message, the message can only be a string. In the demo, the message is expected to be a JSON string:
"action": "open-url",
"params": {
"url": "https://reactnative.dev/"
- The method
only got injected if the attributeonMessage
is set in the<WebView>
- The method
cannot be stored to another variable, i.e.const postMessage = window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage; postMessage('SomeMessage');
will cause an error
- Add event name to
and handling toEventEmitter.swift
- Add event name to the interface in
import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const { EventEmitter } = NativeModule;
const { EXAMPLE_EVENT_NAME } = EventEmitter.getConstants();
const params = {
// Optional params
foo: 'bar',
EventEmitter.emitEventFromReactNative(EXAMPLE_EVENT_NAME, params);
You can use EventEmitter.emitEventFromNative()
and get available event names from EventEmitter.Companion.SupportedEventNames
Beware that you need to provide the ReactContext
to the emitter. This implies that event emission can only happen inside a ReactActivity
or a native module, but not in services. It makes sense because the JavaScript part only involved when the app is in foreground.
val targetEventName = EventEmitter.Companion.SupportedEventNames.EXAMPLE_EVENT_NAME
val array = Arguments.createArray().apply {
val map = Arguments.createMap().apply {
putString("number", 1.23)
val params = Arguments.createMap().apply {
putString("eventName", targetEventName)
putString("foo", "bar")
putArray("array", array)
putMap("map", map)
EventEmitter.emitEventFromNative(reactContext, targetEventName, params)
Similar to Android, but with slightly different function signatures.
let targetEventName = EventEmitter.supportedEventMap.EXAMPLE_EVENT_NAME
let array = [0, 1, 2]
let map = ["number": 1.23]
let params = [
"eventName": targetEventName,
"foo": "bar",
"array": array,
"map": map
EventEmitter.shared!.sendEvent(withName: eventName, body: eventParams)
React Native modules allow the React Native (JavaScript) to call the native modules (Java / Kotlin / Objective-C / Swift).
ExampleModule.log(message: string)
: Has a parameter, no return, asyncExampleModule.rand()
: No parameter, has return with promise, asyncExampleModule.randSync()
: No parameter, has return, syncExampleModule.triggerEvent(eventMap: string, eventParams?: any)
: Has parameters, no return, async. Simulating triggering a event from native code.
- Create a Kotlin class under the folder
- Implement the
which the name will be mapped to JavaScript, i.e.NativeModules.<moduleName>
- Implement the methods needed
- Load the module to the list of
- Create a TypeScript file in
to export the module with interface, only one file need for both Android and iOS
- Create a Swift class under the group
- Implement the
which indicates the module should run in the main queue or a background queue - Implement the methods needed
- Create a Objective-C file to map the Swift module to Objective-C
- Create a TypeScript file in
to export the module with interface, only one file need for both Android and iOS
- Beware that limited support of types for parameters and returns, check https://reactnative.dev/docs/native-modules-ios#argument-types and https://reactnative.dev/docs/native-modules-android#argument-types
- Beware when using synchronous methods, which are blocking
- The return value of a synchronous method of iOS must be wrapped by an array, check the implementation of
- If using UI related, i.e.
, the module must be loaded in main queue, sorequiresMainQueueSetup()
must returnstrue
- There is another option to implement async method, which is callback, but
is preferred
Check documentation page https://reactnative.dev/docs/debugging.
Need to enable debugging with Chrome as instructed in https://reactnative.dev/docs/hermes#debugging-js-on-hermes-using-google-chromes-devtools.
Need to build and debug directly with Xcode or Android Studio.
Got to the view that contains the WebView
, then:
- For Android go to
using Chrome, need to ensureWebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true)
is set inMainActivity
- For iOS, open Safari, in top menu bar select
=><device> - <app_project>
=><url> - <title>