This is a wrapper role over robertdebock.users in order to use it within the overall platform
Run ./configure
in order to download the role dependency. Also of course install Ansible :-).
This role manages the FreeIPA roles
company_domain: "osgiliath.test" # That server's hostname will be ipa."{{ company_domain }}"
company_realm_password: '123ADMin'
company_ad_password: '123ADmPass'
- name: cmordante
- name: wheel
- name: cmordant
first: Charlie
last: Mordant
pwd: "123123123"
update_password: on_create
passwordexpiration: "2023-01-19 23:59:59" # Optional
group: cmordante
groups: wheel
- Twitter @tcharl
- Github @tcharl
- LinkedIn Charlie Mordant