This is a suite of tools that interpret binary files generated by TAMCMC-C++ ( This program will generate all kind of outputs in an IDL sav format and/or in ASCII:
- Parameters list and their uncertainties (frequencies, width height of modes, noise background...).
- Plots for the best fit, residuals, echelle diagram and correlation maps..
- Results for the evidence, pdfs, etc..
Current version is compatible with TAMCMC C++ version 1.4.31 or below.
All setup is made by editing the file. Only the procedure 'iterative_PostMCMC_MS_Global' might require to be edited to suits your need.
Dependencies: There is many IDL library dependencies. I am not sure all those required have been provided here. If any issues, contact me and I will see if I can help.
No exhaustive documentation is yet available. Here below I give very quick overview of the inputs to be set:
You need to copy the getmodel and bin2txt program into the cpp_prg subdirectory. Those files are generated when compiling TACMCMC-C++.
You need to setup directories and options of the 'iterative_PostMCMC_MS_Global' procedure. Here are the key parameters to set:
Directory containing the binary output files for all the objects that you wish to be processed: dir_outputs='/home/obenomar/Pro/PSM_WP128_Sept2018/Raw_Results/TAMCMC-C/Data/Outputs/'
Directory containing the inputs files for the TAMCMC-C++ analyis (.model and .data files): dir_inputs='/home/obenomar/Pro/PSM_WP128_Sept2018/Data/Finalized-setups/Inputs/'
Directory that will contain the results from the post processing. dir_out='/home/obenomar/Pro/PSM_WP128_Sept2018/Level1/'
Name of the model that was used to perform the fit of the data (must be same as the one used in TAMCMC-C++). modelname='model_MS_Global_a1etaa3_HarveyLike'
No external contribution is expected. This project is constantly improved, so please contact me if you need to see some worthy functionnality implemented.
- Owner: Othman Benomar (NYUAD research associate)
- Contact: