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sergeykurbatov-origin Infra repository

Connecting to GCP internal host via ssh gateway

ssh -i ~/.ssh/appuser -A appuser@<external_ip_ssh_gw> -t ssh <internal_ip_host>

Connecting to GCP internal host with alias via ssh gateway

  1. Create ssh config file in localuser directory on bastion host (ssh gateway): touch ~/.ssh/config
  2. Change priv level on this file: chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
  3. Modify file '~/.ssh/config' and incert this configuration:
Host someinternalhost
	HostName <internal_ip_host_of_internal_vm_on_gcp>
	User appuser
	Port 22
  1. Now you can connect via ssh someinternalhost

Connecting via VPN (openvpn)

bastion_IP = someinternalhost_IP = username = test password/pin = in homework guide vpn file = cloud-bastion.opvn

web page PRItunl: login = pritunl password = pritunl

Attantion!!! Web server on PRItunl worked on self signed certs, because Let's encrypt don't allow more 50 approved records in domains and

Created VM credential

testapp_IP = testapp_port = 9292

Creating VM on GCP with startup script (installing all feature and app Puma)

gcloud compute instances create reddit-app
--image-family ubuntu-1604-lts
--tags puma-server
--metadata-from-file startup-script=

Creating network rule default-puma-server

gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-puma-server

Homework 05

  1. Created ubuntu 16.04 base image template for packer with variables and application for start Puma server
  2. Created immutable image on ubuntu 16.04 with all application and puma server for start with 1 command
  3. Created script for fast start puma server on GCP with image family reddit-full

Homework 06

  1. Created virtual machine based on image family reddit-base via terraform template.
  2. Added on terraform template more users for ssh connection, firewall rule, installation and run all app puma server
  3. Added web user ssh key

!!! For running terraform templaye you need to enter path for *.json file with credentials on GCP !!!

For load balansing you need to download and install module gce-lb-http. TCP port for all servers you need to specify in file terraform.tfvars, for example read file terraform.tfvars.example.

For launch infrastructure specify all parameters in file terraform.tfvars. After that command terraform plan and terraform apply.

Homework 07

  1. Created modules configuration on terraform. Modules: app, db, vpc
  2. Created packer image for db and app vm
  3. Added Prod and stage build on terraform for more productivly work
  4. Added storage bucket module configuration
  5. Added on prod and stage build backend module for save terraform state file on early created storage bucket

For work connection to database in module app created variable db_ip contained google_compute_instance.db.network_interface.0.network_ip

For launch storage bucket command terraform init terraform/, terraform plan terraform/ and terraform apply terraform/ For launch prod infra command terraform init terraform/prod/, terraform plan terraform/prod/ and terraform apply terraform/prod/ For launch stage infra command terraform init terraform/stage/, terraform plan terraform/stage/ and terraform apply terraform/stage/

!!! For all servers you need to specify in file terraform.tfvars

For connect to server puma enter external_app_ip and port 9292

Homework 08

After first apply ansible-playbook clone.yml git clone repo, we delete it and retry apply ansible-playbook clone.yml. State changed, because we delete git repo dir and cloned another one and this directory before clone did not exist

For test ansible inventory in json format use command ansible all -i ansible/inventory.json -m ping

Ansible work with all of 3 inventory - *.json, *, *.yml. For configuration default file in ansible.cfg enter inventory = ./inventory.json for json format, or inventory = ./inventory.yml for yml format and other.

For working with dynamic inventory created file ansible/ Script requested 2 outputs from terraform:

app_ip=`cd ../terraform/stage && terraform output | grep app_external_ip | awk '{print $3}'`
db_ip=`cd ../terraform/stage && terraform output | grep db_external_ip | awk '{print $3}'`

For running dynamic inventory chmod +x ansible/, after that ansible all -m ping -i ansible/ or ansible all --list -i ansible/

Homework 09

  • Added single play ansible playbook - ansible/reddit_app_one_play.yml
  • Added Multiple play ansible playbook in single file - ansible/reddit_multiple_play.yml
  • Added moduleted ansible playbook:
    • ansible/site.yml - main playbook included db.yml, app.yml, deploy.yml
    • ansible/db.yml - mongodb provisioning
    • ansible/app.yml - puma service provisioning
    • absible/deploy.yml - install web site files
  • Added more var in dynamyc inventory script - db_int_ip For working with dynamic inventory modife file ansible/ Script requested added 1 outputs from terraform:
db_ip_int=`cd ../terraform/stage && terraform output | grep db_ip | awk '{print $3}'`

For launch dynamic inventory script execute command chmod +x ansible/, after launch command - cd ansible && ansible-playbook site.yml In file ansible/app.yml, in section vars added:

   db_host: "{{ db_ip_int }}"
  • Upgraded packer image for work with ansible playbook. Now installation worked with ansible, image builded with ansible playbook provisioning

Homework 10

For role run use command ansible-galaxy init app For run role add in playbook:

- app

For run dynamic inventory and deploy some application or service use:

ansible-playbook -i environments/prod/ playbooks/site.yml

Added community role:

- src: jdauphant.nginx
version: v2.21.1

And added this role in environments/prod/requirements.yml or environments/stage/requirements.yml Config:

        - listen 80
        - server_name "reddit"
        - location / { proxy_pass; }

Added ansible vault key in ansible.cfg, in section [default]- vault_password_file = vault.key After that added configuration about users in ansible/playbooks/users.yml Encrypted credentials added in ansible/environments/prod/credentials.yml or ansible/environments/stage/credentials.yml

Edited file .travis.yml for test configurations about terraform and ansible

Homework 11

Installed and created vagrantfile for local test servers and applications. In vagrantfile incerted ansible provision for autoinstall all dependencies. Updated ansible roles and packer playbook for db and app servers. Instaled molecule for testing application. Updated molecule config for auto test application connection. DB ansible role add in requirments.yml for remote install.


sergeykurbatov-origin Infra repository







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