Yet another unobtrusive javascript paging plugin for Ruby on Rails. Based on will_paginate.
live demo : []
sources : []
Please install the will_paginate plugin before proceeding.
script/plugin install git://
Infinite Page is used exactly like wil_paginate plugin but make sure of the following:
helper method should be used instead ofwill_paginate
Infinite page parts (each part is one page in classic pagination) should be placed in a partial
call should be included in this partial -
in your controller,
XHR request: render only this partial
other requests: render whole page
take two parameters :
- collection = nil
a WillPaginate:Collection return by
function - options = {}
see Options paragraph
Most will_paginate
and remote_function
options are available along with infinite_page’s 2 additional options. will_paginate options are used for classic pagination rendered inside <noscript> tag. remote_function options are used for next page XHR loading. The most important option is :update
. It indicates the DOM element ID that contains the partial. :url and :render options are automatically set by infinite_page
. Please refer to will_paginate
and remote_function
infinite_page’s 2 additional options :
- :first
Javascript expression is called once the first page is loaded
- :last
Javascript expression is called after the last page is loaded
Use a paginate finder in the controller and render only the partial when request is XHR:
def index @posts = Post.paginate :page => params[:page], :order => 'created_at DESC' render :partial => "posts", :object => @posts if request.xhr? end
In your layout insert the infinite page javascript tag and the div, or other HTML element that contains the page:
<head> ... <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults, "infinite_page" %> ... </head>
If you won’t load infinate_page.js in all pages, you can use content_for method.
In your view:
... <div id="infinite_page_spinner"> </div> <div id="content"><%= render :partial => "posts", :object => @posts %></div> ...
In your _posts.html.erb partial, display posts list and call infinite_page method :
<%= render :partial => "post", :collection => @posts %> <%= infinite_page @posts, :update => "content", :position => :bottom, :complete => "$('infinite_page_spinner').hide();", :before => "$('infinite_page_spinner').show();", :first => "alert('first page loaded');", :last => "alert('last page loaded');" %>
Et voila! enjoy!
Make it compatible with Jquery.
Make it work with a div scroll.
Copyright © 2009 Ouziel Slama, released under the MIT license