Crafting Stone to Crafting Code, from Stonemason to Developer. I Attended Makers Academy and I'm now developing my skills to land myself a full-time job in tech.
🔭 I’m currently a developer for Acknowledge, along with developing my skills for learning the tech stack used at UNI Roomy.
🌱 I’m currently working on growing a better TDD process using Jasmine and Javascript solving little projects, attending reviews through Makers and solving katas. I have recently created a Github repo to showcase some of the katas I have completed to help me with my process. I try to do these daily, check it out in my pinned repos.
📫 How to reach me: ... LinkedIn
When I'm not coding: ... 🏋️ Most probably in the gym or something sport-related.
See the Pinned tabs for Projects and Github CV Below.