This is a MATLAB
implementation of the "marginal GP" (MGP) described
Garnett, R., Osborne, M., and Hennig, P. Active Learning of Linear Embeddings for Gaussian Processes. (2014). 30th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intellignece (UAI 2014).
Suppose we have a Gaussian process model on a latent function :
where are the hyperparameters of the model. Suppose we
have a dataset
of observations and a test point
. This function returns the mean and variance of the
approximate marginal predictive distributions for the associated
observation value
and latent function value
where we have marginalized over the hyperparameters .
This code is only appropriate for GP regression! Exact inference with a Gaussian observation likelihood is assumed.
The MGP approximation requires that the provided hyperparameters be the MLE hyperparameters:
or, if using a hyperparameter prior , the MAP
This function does not perform the maximization over but
rather assumes that the given hyperparameters represent
This code is written to be interoperable with the GPML MATLAB toolbox, available here:
The GPML toolbox must be in your MATLAB path for this function to
work. This function also depends on the gpml_extensions
available here:
which must also be in your MATLAB path.
The usage of mgp.m
is identical to the gp.m
function from the GPML
toolkit in prediction mode. See mgp.m
for more information.
A demo is provided in demo/demo.m