FOM Project: "Snake - Webanwendung im MEAN-Stack"
- Clone this repository
into snake-ui- Run
npm install
to install dependencies - Run
npm run build
to build the angular project
- Run
docker build . --build-arg host=localhost
to create the docker image host
-> Hostname you will use to access UI/Backend
- Clone this repository
into snake-srv- Run
npm install
to install dependencies - Run
to compile typescript files
- Copy config_defaults.yaml to config.yaml
- Change the connectionString in config.yaml to
- Create a random base64 string
base64 /dev/urandom | head -c 32
and change the JWT secret value in config.yaml - Run
docker build .
to create the docker image
- Run
npm run start
to start the application (for development purposes)
- Run
npm run start
to start the application - Note: A MongoDB instance (declared in your config_defaults.yaml or config.yaml) is required to run the snake-srv backend!
- Follow the preparation steps as mentioned above in the Frontend/Backend section for building docker container
- Define the build-var
in docker-compose.yaml (Hostname you will use to access UI/Backend) - Run
docker-compose up -d --build
to build all images and run all containers - Run
docker-compose stop/start
to stop/start all containers - Run
docker-compose down
to destroy all containers/networks/... associated with the project
- Node >= 12