ARCHIVED, See GoKoala which is the successor of GOAF.
GOAF is a OGC API - Features implementation in golang.
If you are looking for a very fast OGC API - Features application and are not afraid of some data tuning, this could be the application for you!
GOAF supports the following datasources:
- OGC GeoPackage
- PostGIS (*Postgresql 9.4+)
PDOK server implementation of OGCAPI-FEATURES
A a GeoJSON implementation with a Geopackage as a data provider.
The specification is a preliminary one, with go generate
the routing based on api spec, provider interfaces en types structs and convenient parameter extractions are generated to stay easily up to date.
- FeatureCollection is overridden in the GeoPackage provider to use the GeoJSON equivalent for decoding blobs
docker build -t pdok/goaf:latest .
The GeoPackage provider is a minimal config for GeoPackages that tend to be relative small e.g. < 3 GB.
docker run --rm -v `pwd`/example:/example -e CONFIG=/example/config-addresses-gpkg-minimal.yaml -p 8080:8080 pdok/goaf:latest
More elaborate config optimised performance for huge db (10M+ features/collection)
docker run -v `pwd`/example:/example -e CONFIG=/example/config-addresses-postgis-localhost.yaml' -p 8080:8080 pdok/goaf:latest
CREATE TABLE addresses.addresses
fid text COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
offsetid bigint NOT NULL,
properties jsonb,
geom geometry,
bbox geometry,
CONSTRAINT addresses_addresses_pk PRIMARY KEY (fid)
CREATE INDEX addresses_geom_sidx ON addresses.addresses USING GIST (geom);
CREATE INDEX addresses_offsetid_idx ON addresses.addresses(offsetid);
Some of the code is generated based on the given oas.yaml:
go generate generate/gen.go
go test ./... -covermode=atomic
Make a pull request...
Distributed under MIT License, please see license file within the code for more details.
Inspiration and code copied from:
The main differences with regards to jivan is the data provider setup, some geopackage query speedups for larger Geopackages and some tweaks for scanning the SQL features