Alexandria 7.0.0
LTC Progression test
Elo | 26.46 +- 3.35 (95%)
Conf | 60.0+0.60s Threads=1 Hash=64MB
Games | N: 5000 W: 561 L: 181 D: 4258
Penta | [0, 114, 1915, 448, 23]
Progression test was run on the 8moves_v3.epd
Search Changes
- A new fully staged movepicker.
- Improved lmrDepth formula.
- Improved SEE accuracy.
- Fixed a bug that would render TT moves illegal when unpacking them.
- Introduced upcoming draw detection via cuckoo tables.
- Faster makemove.
- Faster evaluation achieved by removing one accumulator copy and saving the eval in the TT during QS.
- General simplifications and improvements.
NNUE Changes
- The net shipped with this release has a new arch, the L1 size was increased to 1536 and 8 output buckets were added,
resulting in a final arch of(768->1536)x2->1x8
- Several hyperparameters improvements in the net training
Me thanking people
A big thank you as always to anyone who contributed to Alex, either with hw or patches.
The Alex project would like to officially state we don't like Viren.