Comparative report of deep learning architectures on the CIFAR dataset.
By Panagiotis Giagkoulas and Lukas Edman.
You need to have Anaconda or Miniconda installed:
You also need a GPU with CUDA support.
To install the environment run:
conda env create -f environment.yml
After installing, you may need to activate the environment, using either
source activate keras_env
activate keras_env
To run an experiment, run:
There are a number of flags available to modify the experiment:
--model_name Name of the model. Loads model with same name automatically. Flag must be used for the model to be saved.
--architecture Architecture to use. [list of architectures below]
--pretrained If provided, will load a model pretrained on ImageNet and only the last layer is trained. Valid for VGG/ResNet/DenseNet.
--dataset Dataset to use. [cifar10/cifar100]
--save_interval Save every x epochs.
--batch_size Batch size for training and testing.
--n_epochs Number of epochs to train for.
--optimizer Optimizer to use. [adam/rmsprop/sgd]
--lr Learning rate.
--export Export the training statistics to a file.
Supported architectures:
all_conv Regular All-CNN-C from Springenberg et al.
all_bn_conv All-CNN-C with batch normalization
model_c Model C from Springenberg et al.
simple_conv Simple CNN from Keras
simple_bn_conv Simple CNN with batch norm
lenet5 LeNet5
lenet5_do LeNet5 with dropout
lenet5_bn LeNet5 with batch norm
vgg16 VGG16
resnet50 ResNet50
densenet DenseNet
An example run of Simple CNN with batch normalization on CIFAR-10 using Adam looks like:
python --architecture simple_bn_conv --dataset cifar10 --save_interval 1 --batch_size 64 --n_epochs 100 --optimizer adam --lr 1e-3