By default, your membership in this organization is hidden from public view.
The purpose of the PHPLeaders group itself is to strengthen the ties among thought leaders and bring awareness to web-facing PHP community projects and initiatives. Within this group, PHP community leaders can collaborate on (in either public or private groups) both open source and private projects.
This group formed after interest of being expressed on the UG-ADMINS mailing list. If you're unfamiliar with the list, it's for all PHP user group organizers which you can find at
The membership is not restricted to UG organizers, but is open to figures in the community that have been noticed as going out of their way to promote PHP.
The goal of this group is to increase participation/contributions to projects and issues deemed notable by leaders which would most greatly have a positive impact on the PHP community. For example, Andreas' website is on the list as a notable project that needs help and for users to step in. This is why you see the project forked within the PHPLeaders organization, indicating it has been earmarked for visibility.
We have been gifted unlimited Github membership and private repository access because of our contributions. Because of this, every member will have the ability to create new public and private repositories for the benefit of the PHP or open-source community.
As a project owner, you will have the ability to dictate who has access by associating the appropriate group access control list. Projects can be either open to the entirety of the organization or open to a select few. It's often easier to allow opt-in to group projects to avoid issues of an overabundance of notifications being sent out to group members (watchers).
If you need assistance, additional access, or anything else regarding this group please contact