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Proper css inline border #1670 #2728

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/changes/1.x/
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- Writer ODText: Support for images inside a textRun by [@Progi1984]( fixing [#2240]( in [#2668](
- Allow vAlign and vMerge on Style\Cell to be set to null by [@SpraxDev]( fixing [#2673]( in [#2676](
- Reader HTML: Support for differents size units for table by [@Progi1984]( fixing [#2384](, [#2701]( in [#2725](
- Html addHTML : Support different order for inline style border by [@Azamat8405]( fixing [#1670](
- Reader Word2007: Respect paragraph indent units by [@tugmaks]( & [@Progi1984]( fixing [#507]( in [#2726](
- Reader Word2007: Support Header elements within Title elements by [@SpraxDev]( fixing [#2616](, [#2426]( in [#2674](
- Reader HTML: Support for inherit value for property line-height by [@Progi1984]( fixing [#2683]( in [#2733](
Expand Down
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions docs/usage/shared/
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@

You can generate a Word file from html.

``` php

$phpWordInstance = new PhpWord();
$phpSectionInstance = $phpWordInstance->addSection([
'orientation' => 'landscape',
'marginLeft' => (int)round(20 * 56.6929133858),
'marginRight' => (int)round(20 * 56.6929133858),
'marginTop' => (int)round(20 * 56.6929133858),
'marginBottom' => (int)round(20 * 56.6929133858),

$html = '<!-- Any html. Table for example -->
<td style="border-left:solid blue 2px;">border-left:solid blue 2px;</td>
<td style="border-right:solid 2px red;">border-right:solid 2px red;</td>
<img src="https://any.domain/path-to-img/name.jpg" />

$fullHTML = false;
$preserveWhiteSpace = true;

$options = [];
$options['IMG_SRC_SEARCH'] = 'path-to-img/name.jpg';
$options['IMG_SRC_REPLACE'] = 'another-path-to-img/new-name.jpg';

Html::addHtml($phpSectionInstance, $html, $fullHTML, $preserveWhiteSpace, $options);

$fqName = new PhpOffice\PhpWord\Writer\Word2007($phpWordInstance);

$html - $html param must have root node such as "html" if it is full html;

$fullHTML - If $html is not full html, it may not have a root element. In this case $fullHTML should be false.

$preserveWhiteSpace - Do not remove redundant white space. Default to true.

$options - which could be applied when such an element occurs in the parseNode function.
181 changes: 176 additions & 5 deletions src/PhpWord/Shared/Html.php
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Expand Up @@ -895,9 +895,24 @@ protected static function parseStyleDeclarations(array $selectors, array $styles
case 'border-bottom':
case 'border-right':
case 'border-left':
// must have exact order [width color style], e.g. "1px #0011CC solid" or "2pt green solid"
$value = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', trim($value));
$valueArr = explode(' ', strtolower($value));

$size = $color = $style = null;
// Word does not accept shortened hex colors e.g. #CCC, only full e.g. #CCCCCC
if (preg_match('/([0-9]+[^0-9]*)\s+(\#[a-fA-F0-9]+|[a-zA-Z]+)\s+([a-z]+)/', $value, $matches)) {
// we determine the order of color and style by checking value of the color.
$namedColors = self::mapNamedBorderColor();
foreach ($valueArr as $tmpValue) {
if (strpos($tmpValue, '#') === 0 || isset($namedColors[$tmpValue])) {
$color = trim($tmpValue, '#');
} elseif (preg_match('/[\-\d]+(px|pt|cm|mm|in|pc)/', $tmpValue) === 1) {
$size = Converter::cssToTwip($tmpValue);
} else {
$style = self::mapBorderStyle($tmpValue);

if ($size !== null && $color !== null && $style !== null) {
if (false !== strpos($property, '-')) {
$tmp = explode('-', $property);
$which = $tmp[1];
Expand All @@ -911,12 +926,11 @@ protected static function parseStyleDeclarations(array $selectors, array $styles
// Therefore we need to normalize converted twip value to cca 1/2 of value.
// This may be adjusted, if better ratio or formula found.
// BC change: up to ver. 0.17.0 was $size converted to points - Converter::cssToPoint($size)
$size = Converter::cssToTwip($matches[1]);
$size = (int) ($size / 2);
// valid variants may be e.g. borderSize, borderTopSize, borderLeftColor, etc ..
$styles["border{$which}Size"] = $size; // twips
$styles["border{$which}Color"] = trim($matches[2], '#');
$styles["border{$which}Style"] = self::mapBorderStyle($matches[3]);
$styles["border{$which}Color"] = $color;
$styles["border{$which}Style"] = $style;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1065,12 +1079,169 @@ protected static function mapBorderStyle($cssBorderStyle)
case 'dashed':
case 'dotted':
case 'double':
case 'inset':
case 'outset':
return $cssBorderStyle;
return 'single';

protected static function mapNamedBorderColor(): array
$colors = [];
$colors['aliceblue'] = '#f0f8ff';
$colors['antiquewhite'] = '#faebd7';
$colors['aqua'] = '#00ffff';
$colors['aquamarine'] = '#7fffd4';
$colors['azure'] = '#f0ffff';
$colors['beige'] = '#f5f5dc';
$colors['bisque'] = '#ffe4c4';
$colors['black'] = '#000000';
$colors['blanchedalmond'] = '#ffebcd';
$colors['blue'] = '#0000ff';
$colors['blueviolet'] = '#8a2be2';
$colors['brown'] = '#a52a2a';
$colors['burlywood'] = '#deb887';
$colors['cadetblue'] = '#5f9ea0';
$colors['chartreuse'] = '#7fff00';
$colors['chocolate'] = '#d2691e';
$colors['coral'] = '#ff7f50';
$colors['cornflowerblue'] = '#6495ed';
$colors['cornsilk'] = '#fff8dc';
$colors['crimson'] = '#dc143c';
$colors['cyan'] = '#00ffff';
$colors['darkblue'] = '#00008b';
$colors['darkcyan'] = '#008b8b';
$colors['darkgoldenrod'] = '#b8860b';
$colors['darkgray'] = '#a9a9a9';
$colors['darkgrey'] = '#a9a9a9';
$colors['darkgreen'] = '#006400';
$colors['darkkhaki'] = '#bdb76b';
$colors['darkmagenta'] = '#8b008b';
$colors['darkolivegreen'] = '#556b2f';
$colors['darkorange'] = '#ff8c00';
$colors['darkorchid'] = '#9932cc';
$colors['darkred'] = '#8b0000';
$colors['darksalmon'] = '#e9967a';
$colors['darkseagreen'] = '#8fbc8f';
$colors['darkslateblue'] = '#483d8b';
$colors['darkslategray'] = '#2f4f4f';
$colors['darkslategrey'] = '#2f4f4f';
$colors['darkturquoise'] = '#00ced1';
$colors['darkviolet'] = '#9400d3';
$colors['deeppink'] = '#ff1493';
$colors['deepskyblue'] = '#00bfff';
$colors['dimgray'] = '#696969';
$colors['dimgrey'] = '#696969';
$colors['dodgerblue'] = '#1e90ff';
$colors['firebrick'] = '#b22222';
$colors['floralwhite'] = '#fffaf0';
$colors['forestgreen'] = '#228b22';
$colors['fuchsia'] = '#ff00ff';
$colors['gainsboro'] = '#dcdcdc';
$colors['ghostwhite'] = '#f8f8ff';
$colors['gold'] = '#ffd700';
$colors['goldenrod'] = '#daa520';
$colors['gray'] = '#808080';
$colors['grey'] = '#808080';
$colors['green'] = '#008000';
$colors['greenyellow'] = '#adff2f';
$colors['honeydew'] = '#f0fff0';
$colors['hotpink'] = '#ff69b4';
$colors['indianred'] = '#cd5c5c';
$colors['indigo'] = '#4b0082';
$colors['ivory'] = '#fffff0';
$colors['khaki'] = '#f0e68c';
$colors['lavender'] = '#e6e6fa';
$colors['lavenderblush'] = '#fff0f5';
$colors['lawngreen'] = '#7cfc00';
$colors['lemonchiffon'] = '#fffacd';
$colors['lightblue'] = '#add8e6';
$colors['lightcoral'] = '#f08080';
$colors['lightcyan'] = '#e0ffff';
$colors['lightgoldenrodyellow'] = '#fafad2';
$colors['lightgray'] = '#d3d3d3';
$colors['lightgrey'] = '#d3d3d3';
$colors['lightgreen'] = '#90ee90';
$colors['lightpink'] = '#ffb6c1';
$colors['lightsalmon'] = '#ffa07a';
$colors['lightseagreen'] = '#20b2aa';
$colors['lightskyblue'] = '#87cefa';
$colors['lightslategray'] = '#778899';
$colors['lightslategrey'] = '#778899';
$colors['lightsteelblue'] = '#b0c4de';
$colors['lightyellow'] = '#ffffe0';
$colors['lime'] = '#00ff00';
$colors['limegreen'] = '#32cd32';
$colors['linen'] = '#faf0e6';
$colors['magenta'] = '#ff00ff';
$colors['maroon'] = '#800000';
$colors['mediumaquamarine'] = '#66cdaa';
$colors['mediumblue'] = '#0000cd';
$colors['mediumorchid'] = '#ba55d3';
$colors['mediumpurple'] = '#9370db';
$colors['mediumseagreen'] = '#3cb371';
$colors['mediumslateblue'] = '#7b68ee';
$colors['mediumspringgreen'] = '#00fa9a';
$colors['mediumturquoise'] = '#48d1cc';
$colors['mediumvioletred'] = '#c71585';
$colors['midnightblue'] = '#191970';
$colors['mintcream'] = '#f5fffa';
$colors['mistyrose'] = '#ffe4e1';
$colors['moccasin'] = '#ffe4b5';
$colors['navajowhite'] = '#ffdead';
$colors['navy'] = '#000080';
$colors['oldlace'] = '#fdf5e6';
$colors['olive'] = '#808000';
$colors['olivedrab'] = '#6b8e23';
$colors['orange'] = '#ffa500';
$colors['orangered'] = '#ff4500';
$colors['orchid'] = '#da70d6';
$colors['palegoldenrod'] = '#eee8aa';
$colors['palegreen'] = '#98fb98';
$colors['paleturquoise'] = '#afeeee';
$colors['palevioletred'] = '#db7093';
$colors['papayawhip'] = '#ffefd5';
$colors['peachpuff'] = '#ffdab9';
$colors['peru'] = '#cd853f';
$colors['pink'] = '#ffc0cb';
$colors['plum'] = '#dda0dd';
$colors['powderblue'] = '#b0e0e6';
$colors['purple'] = '#800080';
$colors['rebeccapurple'] = '#663399';
$colors['red'] = '#ff0000';
$colors['rosybrown'] = '#bc8f8f';
$colors['royalblue'] = '#4169e1';
$colors['saddlebrown'] = '#8b4513';
$colors['salmon'] = '#fa8072';
$colors['sandybrown'] = '#f4a460';
$colors['seagreen'] = '#2e8b57';
$colors['seashell'] = '#fff5ee';
$colors['sienna'] = '#a0522d';
$colors['silver'] = '#c0c0c0';
$colors['skyblue'] = '#87ceeb';
$colors['slateblue'] = '#6a5acd';
$colors['slategray'] = '#708090';
$colors['slategrey'] = '#708090';
$colors['snow'] = '#fffafa';
$colors['springgreen'] = '#00ff7f';
$colors['steelblue'] = '#4682b4';
$colors['tan'] = '#d2b48c';
$colors['teal'] = '#008080';
$colors['thistle'] = '#d8bfd8';
$colors['tomato'] = '#ff6347';
$colors['turquoise'] = '#40e0d0';
$colors['violet'] = '#ee82ee';
$colors['wheat'] = '#f5deb3';
$colors['white'] = '#ffffff';
$colors['whitesmoke'] = '#f5f5f5';
$colors['yellow'] = '#ffff00';
$colors['yellowgreen'] = '#9acd32';

return $colors;

protected static function mapBorderColor(&$styles, $cssBorderColor): void
$numColors = substr_count($cssBorderColor, '#');
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/PhpWord/Writer/Word2007/Style/Table.php
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Expand Up @@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ private function writeBorder(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, TableStyle $style): void
$styleWriter = new MarginBorder($xmlWriter);

$xmlWriter->endElement(); // w:tblBorders
Expand Down
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions tests/PhpWordTests/Shared/HtmlTest.php
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Expand Up @@ -1415,4 +1415,76 @@ public function testParseRubyHtml(): void
$doc->getElementAttribute('/w:document/w:body/w:p/w:r/w:ruby/w:rubyPr/w:lid', 'w:val')

public function testParseBorderOrderHtml(): void
$phpWord = new PhpWord();
$section = $phpWord->addSection();

$html = '<table>
<td style="border:1px solid red;">border:1px solid red;</td>
<td style="border:1px green dotted;">border:1px green dotted;</td>
<td style="border:solid 2px #b8860b;">border:solid 2px #b8860b;</td>
<td style="border-left:solid blue 1px;">border-left:solid blue 1px;</td>
Html::addHtml($section, $html);
$doc = TestHelperDOCX::getDocument($phpWord, 'Word2007');

// [1]
$path = '/w:document/w:body/w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc[1]/w:tcPr/w:tcBorders/w:top';
self::assertEquals('red', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:color'));
self::assertEquals(7, $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:sz'));
self::assertEquals('single', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:val'));

$path = '/w:document/w:body/w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc[1]/w:tcPr/w:tcBorders/w:left';
self::assertEquals('red', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:color'));
self::assertEquals(7, $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:sz'));
self::assertEquals('single', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:val'));

$path = '/w:document/w:body/w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc[1]/w:tcPr/w:tcBorders/w:bottom';
self::assertEquals('red', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:color'));
self::assertEquals(7, $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:sz'));
self::assertEquals('single', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:val'));

$path = '/w:document/w:body/w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc[1]/w:tcPr/w:tcBorders/w:right';
self::assertEquals('red', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:color'));
self::assertEquals(7, $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:sz'));
self::assertEquals('single', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:val'));

// [2]
$path = '/w:document/w:body/w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc[2]/w:tcPr/w:tcBorders/w:top';
self::assertEquals('green', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:color'));
self::assertEquals(7, $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:sz'));
self::assertEquals('dotted', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:val'));

// [3]
$path = '/w:document/w:body/w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc[3]/w:tcPr/w:tcBorders/w:top';
self::assertEquals('b8860b', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:color'));
self::assertEquals(15, $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:sz'));
self::assertEquals('single', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:val'));

// [4]
$path = '/w:document/w:body/w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc[4]/w:tcPr/w:tcBorders/w:left';
self::assertEquals('blue', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:color'));
self::assertEquals(7, $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:sz'));
self::assertEquals('single', $doc->getElementAttribute($path, 'w:val'));

$path = '/w:document/w:body/w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc[4]/w:tcPr/w:tcBorders/w:right';
$path = '/w:document/w:body/w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc[4]/w:tcPr/w:tcBorders/w:top';
$path = '/w:document/w:body/w:tbl/w:tr/w:tc[4]/w:tcPr/w:tcBorders/w:bottom';