A generic framework for Model-Checking of any customized kernel.
A kernel model is a combination of abstract state and methods.
The only way to update a kernel model is executing a command
The resulting
For an abstract function
For an execution process of a user app, the part that a kernel mostly focuses on can be abstracted as a command sequence.
OS correctness can be marked as
For each command sequence, after each execution step, the abstract state of the real kernel must be an element of all possible states of the kernel model.
A normal test routine can be designed as
- Match initial states, config kernel model such that
- Execute an command on both kernel and model, check if satisfies
- If yes, update model state as
- Loop until a violation occurs.
Define an
./// Generic Kernel State Type. pub trait AbstractState { fn matches(&self, other: &Self) -> bool; }
s./// A command that can be executed on a state. pub trait Command<T> where T: AbstractState, { /// Execute the command on the given state. fn execute(&self, state: &mut T) -> ExecutionResult; /// Serialize the command to a string. fn stringify(&self) -> String; }
, which sends commands to both kernel and model./// Generate commands for both the abstract model and the target kernel. pub trait Commander<S> where S: AbstractState, { /// Get the next command to execute. fn command(&mut self) -> Result<Box<dyn Command<S>>, Error>; }
, which communicates with the under-test kernel./// Communicate with the target kernel. pub trait TestPort<S> where S: AbstractState, { /// Send a command to the test target. fn send(&mut self, command: &dyn Command<S>) -> Result<(), Error>; /// Receive the return value from the test target. fn receive_retv(&mut self) -> ExecutionResult; /// Receive current state from the test target. fn receive_state(&mut self) -> Result<&S, Error>; }
Combine all the modules in a
, callstep()
to run the test./// Model Checking Runner. pub struct Runner<C, P, T, S> where C: Commander<S>, P: Printer<S>, T: TestPort<S>, S: AbstractState, { commander: C, printer: P, test_port: T, state: S, } impl<C, P, T, S> Runner<C, P, T, S> where C: Commander<S>, P: Printer<S>, T: TestPort<S>, S: AbstractState, { /// Construct a test runner. pub fn new(commander: C, printer: P, test_port: T, state: S) -> Self { ... } /// Run a single step of model checking. /// /// 1. Get command from commander /// 2. Send command to test port /// 3. Execute command on abstract state /// 4. Check return value (if enabled) /// 5. Check state (if enabled) /// /// `ReturnValueMismatch` if return value discrepancy is found. /// `StateMismatch` if state discrepancy is found. pub fn step(&mut self, check_retv: bool, check_state: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } }