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Lorne Gaetz edited this page May 14, 2013 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Call-Statistics wiki!


Download the latest version from the downloads page, don't decompress the file. In FreePBX under Module Admin, select Upload Modules and browse to the previously downloaded file. Upload and then select Manage Local Modules, scroll down the list and click on the module. Select install and then select the Process button. Do a reload and you are good to go.


This module uses the jpgraph library for PHP which in turn requires that PHP be compiled with 'gd' extensions. You can check which PHP extensions are installed at the CLI with the command php -m, gd must be included in that list or the graphs will not display.

Upload file too large

Due to the inclusion of the JpGraph graphing library, the file size for this module is larger than most. If installation is prevented due to file size, or if you get an error like this when uploading: Error finding uploaded file - check your PHP and/or web server configuration the php varialbe upload_max_filesize has to be set to a value of at least 5M. On Centos systems see the file: /etc/php.ini

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