Computer Assisted Transcription of Handwritten Text Images
The software can be compiles as a shared library (
cd wg/lat-parser/; make; cd ..; make; cd ..; make;
This plugin requires a configuration file with two parameters. The first one (-W) specifies the name of a file with the correspondence between the ids and the wordgraphs. The second one (-G) is an unigram in HTK format.
In catti-example.cpp you can see an example about how to use the plugin. Given a list of wordgraph ids this example obtain the best transcription.
./catti-example Test/test
The two main functions of the plugin are:
-setPrefix: The user validates a prefix and introduce some correction. The system returns a new suffix taking into account the corrections carried out by the user. Parameters: -const vector &prefix: The validated prefix with the user correction. If the prefix is empty the plugin returns the most probably transcription. -const vector &suffix: The rejected suffix. -const bool last_token_is_partial: It is false if the last word of the prefix is a complete word. -vector &corrected_transcription: It is the new transcription.
-rejectSuffix:The user validates a prefix and no introduce any correction. The system returns the most probably suffix different to the previous one. Has the same parameters than the setPrefix function.