MacroExtender AddOn for 1.12.1 World of Warcraft
- Conditional behavior for macros
- more macro commands
MacroExtender allows you to create conditional statement macros that are found in WOW Expansion's TBC+ and more
##Version 1.06.10
Read the Changelog.txt for details
If you are updating MacroExtender, please delete all contents of the old directory first to prevent any issues.
- Download MacroExtender
- Create a directory into your World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns folder named MacroExtender
- Extract contents of downloaded file into that new folder
- SpellTimer
- Hooks onto CastSpellByName, missing onSelf argument
- Libraries
- SpellStatus-1.0
- Hooks onto UseContainerItem, missing onSelf argument
All of the config options can be changed with command line More options will be made available in the future development process
/mex option param1 param2 param3
Option | Paramaters | Description |
macroui | on/off | Enable or Disable the MacroUI interface enhancements |
actionbars | on/off | Enable or Disable the ActionBar interface enhancements |
inventory | on/off | Enable or Disable the Inventory interface enhancements |
#Macro UI
You are now able to link items from your bags into the Macro UI. This allows cutting down time from typing a item by name
You can disable these features by disabling them
/mex macroui off
- Open the macro frame via /macro command
- Create a new macro or edit a previous one
- Open your bags
- Shift + Left Click on a item in your bags
- Item should now be added to your macro
Key Combinations | UI Frame | If Empty | Non Empty |
Shift + Left Click | Character Frame | /use SlotID | SlotID |
Shift + Control + Left Click | Character Frame | /equip [condition]ItemName | /equip [condition]ItemName |
Shift + Left Click | Bag Frame | /use ItemName | ItemName |
#Conditional Statements These can also be checked for falseness instead of trueness by prefixing them with "no". For example, [nocombat] is a valid conditional and will only perform the actions following it if you are not in combat.
Aliases are for creating a macro shorter if you run out of space
Retail Conditions
condition | alias | paramater | description |
channeling | chan | spell1/spell2/../spellN | Is the player currently channeling a spell |
combat | In combat | ||
dead | Target is dead | ||
equipped | eq | item type | item type is equipped (item type can be an inventory slot name or numeric slot value / item type or item subtype) |
exists | Target exists | ||
pet | pet type | The given pet is out | |
harm | Can cast harmful spells on the target | ||
help | Can cast helpful spells on the target | ||
modifier | mod | shift/ctrl/alt | Holding the given key |
mounted | Self explanatory | ||
party | Target is in your party | ||
raid | Target is in your raid/party | ||
stance | form | 0/1/2/.../n | In a stance |
group | party/raid | Player is in the given type of group (if argument is omitted, defaults to party) | |
stealth | Stealthed (Rogue & Druid only self explanatory | ||
swimming | swim | Only detects when submerged in water and the Breathing Timer is available, will return false if in Aquatic Form or any type of water breathing buff |
Non Retail Conditions
condition | alias | paramater | description |
ismelee | Target is a melee class | ||
iscaster | Target is a caster class | ||
mana | relational operators #n | Target mana is compared with #n | |
health | relational operators #n | Target health is compared with #n | |
pmana | relational operators #n | Same as mana except it checks the player character only | |
phealth | relational operators #n | Same as health except it checks the player character only | |
shadowform | shform | Priest is currently in shadowform | |
petloyalty | petl | 1/2/.../n | Hunter's pet loyalty level |
pethappy | peth | Hunter's pet is happy | |
smartcast | Mana efficiency casting, will down rank the spell until it meets the required mana cost, if doesn't meet the requirement it will fail and try to cast without rank | ||
buff | texture | Contains buff texture | |
debuff | texture | Contains debuff texture | |
pbuff | texture | Same as buff except it checks the player character only | |
pdebuff | texture | Same as debuff except it checks the player character only | |
cooldown | spell1/spell2/../spellN | Spell is on cooldown |
Relational operators for mana / health condition for comparison
operator | description |
< | Less than |
|Greater than =|Greater than or equal to <=|Less than or equal to ==|Equal to
Buff and Debuff should be used with risk, There is no correct way to determine what buff or debuff belongs to a specific caster
Following macros that accept conditional behavior
command | alias | description |
cast | use OR castx | Extended version of cast which allow conditional behavior |
castsequence | castseq | Cast spells in successive order |
castrandom | userandom | Cast a random spell from the list |
click | Simulate a mouse click on a frame of type Button | |
equip | eq | Equip items from the list |
pick | Picks up a item in the players inventory | |
stopcasting | Stop casting or channeling a spell | |
dismount | Dismounts your character | |
cancelform | Cancels your current shapeshift/shadow/ghost wolf form | |
mount | Mounts your character |
They do not benefit from conditional behavior
#showtooltip spellname <--Shows a spell icon
#showtooltip itemname <--Shows an item by name
#showtooltip BagId slotNum <--Shows an item by bag slot
#showtooltip InvSlot <--Shows an item by inventory slot
The following macro will allow you to show the shard count and use the spell Drain Soul from one entire macro, If no Soul Shard's are present then it will show Drain Soul icon instead until a Shoul Shard is found in the player inventory
#show Soul Shard
/cast [nochanneling:drain soul]drain soul
##Inventory Slots
The current IDs for Inventory Slots are
name | numeric value |
ammoslot | 0 |
headslot | 1 |
neckslot | 2 |
shoulderslot | 3 |
shirtslot | 4 |
chestslot | 5 |
waistslot | 6 |
legsslot | 7 |
feetslot | 8 |
wristslot | 9 |
handsslot | 10 |
finger0slot | 11 |
finger1slot | 12 |
trinket0slot | 13 |
trinket1slot | 14 |
backslot | 15 |
mainhandslot | 16 |
offhandslot | 17 |
secondaryhandslot | 17 |
rangedslot | 18 |
tabardslot | 19 |
bag0slot | 20 |
bag1slot | 21 |
bag2slot | 22 |
bag3slot | 23 |
##Parameter Usage Multiple parameters can be included by separating them with a slash [/] check reference table to see which is supported
Following example checks if any modifier key is down and not channeling the spell drain soul. If requirements are not met it will cast the next sequence in the list
/castsequence [mod,nochanneling:drain soul]drain soul;reset=target/combat corruption,curse of agony,shadow bolt,shadow bolt,shadow bolt,shadow bolt
To prevent the above example from continuing with the next sequence in the list which could interrupt your channeling spell, add the [nochan] which is the alias for nochanneling.
/castsequence [mod,nochanneling:drain soul]drain soul;[nochan]reset=target/combat corruption,curse of agony,shadow bolt,shadow bolt,shadow bolt,shadow bolt
Mana efficiency casting, will down rank the spell until it meets the required mana cost, if doesn't meet the requirement it will fail and try to cast without rank /pick, /use, /equip, /cast, /castrandom, /castsequence
Creation is class specific only
name | useable by | create | description |
conjure water | all | create conjure water | Mage conjured water |
conjure food | all | create conjure food | Mage conjured food |
conjure mana | all | create conjure mana | Mage mana crystals such as Mana Agate/etc... |
food | all | none | All non conjured items |
bandage | all | none | Bandages |
healthpotion | all | none | Healing potions |
manapotion | all | none | Mana potions |
healthstone | all | create healthstone | Warlock healthstone |
firestone | Warlock | create firestone | Warlock firestone |
spellstone | Warlock | create spellstone | Warlock spellstone |
soulstone | Warlock | create soulstone | Warlock soulstone |
If the players health is Lesser or Equal to 75% then smartcast will look up the player inventory and search for a healthstone of all ranks starting with the highest rank first.
/use [smartcast,target=player,health:<=75]healthstone
Creating a healthstone if the player is a warlock
/cast [smartcast]create healthstone
Buff / Debuff
Adding a prefix "@" in the front of the Buff/Debuff will check the player instead of the target. This allows you too still direct harmful spells at the target
Following example checks for Nightfall Proc on the player if found will cast shadow bolt at target. CastSequence will reset every 12 seconds / combat or target changes
####Correct way
/cast [buff:@Shadow_Twilight]shadow bolt
/castsequence [nochanneling,pet] reset=12/combat/target corruption,curse of agony,immolate
####Wrong way This will not succeed as it will target the player to cast shadow bolt
/cast [target=player,buff:Shadow_Twilight]shadow bolt
PBuff / PDebuff
This does not require the prefix "@" as this checks the player only.This was implemented so it didn't seem confusing for users
Will cast shadow bolt only if the warlock has gained Nightfall proc, otherwise cast immolate
/cast [pbuff:Shadow_Twilight]shadow bolt;Imolate
Pet commands
command | description |
petassist | Player will assist the pet |
petaggressive | Sets your pet to aggressive mode |
petdefensive | Sets your pet to defensive mode |
petpassive | Sets your pet to passive mode |
petattack | Instructs your pet to attack |
petfollow | Sets your pet to follow you around |
petstay | Sets your pet to stay in its current location |
Macro's that don't have conditional behavior
command | description |
reload | Reloads the user interface |
#Examples ##Warrior
/cast [stance:1]Heroic Strike;Rend
/cast [equipped:shields]defensive stance
/cast [pet,nopethappy]feed pet
/pick [pet:boar,nopethappy]roasted quail
/cast [stealth]Rupture;Sinister Strike
/cast [smartcast]Shadow Bolt
/cast [mod:ctrl]Immolate;Curse of Agony
/cast [mod:shift,harm,nochanneling]Drain Life;Health Funnel
/cast [harm,nodebuff:Shadow_CurseOfSargeras]Curse of Agony;Corruption
/castrandom [combat]shadow bolt,immolate;curse of agony,corruption
/castsequence reset=target/combat corruption,curse of agony,immolation,shadow bolt,shadow bolt,shadow bolt
/castsequence reset=30 demon armor, soul link
/castsequence [health:>=25]immolate,corruption,curse of agony,shadow bolt,shadow bolt,shadow bolt;drain soul
/petassist [pet,nomod,combat]
/petattack [pet,mod:shift]
/cast [nochanneling:drain life]Drain Life
/eq [smartcast]firestone
To create a warlock healthstone without repetitive editing of a macro each spell rank learned, use the smartcast option. Passing the spell without any rank information such as minor/lesser/../major If major is learned by the player then it will cast Create Soulstone (Major)() automatically for the player if the mana requirement is met, if not it will down rank until successful. This works with all Create [Spell's]/Conjure [Spell's],
/cast [smartcast]create healthstone
To use the best healthstone found in the player inventory ordered as follows major/greater/../lesser
/use [smartcast]healthstone
Create healthstone while a modifier key is down otherwise use the healthstone
/cast [mod,smartcast]create healthstone
/use [nomod,smartcast]healthstone
Bellow is equivalent of the example above just shorter
/cast [mod,smartcast]create healthstone;[smartcast]healthstone
Following macro allows you to create a spellstone if a modifier key is down, if no modifier key is down then equip it if not already equipped then use it
/cast [mod,smartcast]create spellstone;[nomod,smartcast,noequipped:17]spellstone;17
With 1.06.5 Changes, creating conjured items has changed. This allows the mage to create multiple stacks of water, before it would only create 1 stack then use the stack until it was gone, then repeat by recreating a new stack
######Creating Conjured Water
/cast [smartcast]create conjure water
######Using Conjured Water
/use [smartcast]conjure water
######Creating Mana Crystal
/cast [smartcast]create conjure mana
######Using Mana Crystal
/use [smartcast]conjure mana
/cast [nostance:3]cat form;[stance:3,nostealth]prowl;pounce
Only cast Storm Strike with a 2H
/equip [nocooldown:Stormstrike]Bonebiter
/cast [eq:Bonebiter]Stormstrike
/cast attack
/dismount [combat,mounted]
/castrandom [nocombat]corruption,immolate,curse of agony;shadow bolt
/equip [stance:2]The Face of Death, Quel'Serrar
/equip [nocombat] dreadmist mask,dreadmist robe,dreadmist bracers,dreadmist wraps,dreadmist belt,dreadmist leggings,dreadmist sandals,blade of the new moon,rune band of wizardry,tome of the lost
If left empty it will use the first mount found in the inventory
Will randomly select a mount in the players inventory
/mount random
Will search the player inventory and will mount the character with very the first results found red skele. The ordered of search is determined by location of the bag and inventory slot
If the player inventory contains the following mounts
- Green Skeletal Horse
- Blue Skeletal Horse
- Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Red Skeletal Warhorse
- Red Skeletal horse
The search will go from Top to Bottom until the search criteria is met. The result would be Red Skeletal Warhorse as long the player is not in combat
/mount [nocombat]red skele
#####Wildcard Search
Wildcard searching for Red Skeletal Warhorse. It will search all of the player collected mounts until the first pattern in the search criteria found
/mount [nocombat]red.*war