Simple .wav player stylized on GGButton created on STM32 microcontroller(STM32F407VG).
Usefullnes and simplicity was the main target in creating this project. Music files are stored on SD card and their number is limited to 8 due to 8 positon winder used in our model. Keep in mind that these files need to be named 0.WAV, 1.WAV [...] 7.WAV. SPI is used to comunicate SD module with STM32. Handling of our project is pretty straight forward - to play music push main button, to stop it push again. Twist winder to change song. To change audio volume, adjust potentiometer.
// Tu będzie filmik kierowniku
- CooCox CoIDE, Version: 1.7.8
- STM Studio
1.Hardware needed:
- STM32f4-DISCOVERY board,
- SD Card Module and SD Card formatted to FAT32,
- 1 switch,
- 1 rotating 8 position swith(alternatively 8 normal swithes),
- 1 rotary potentiometer,
- Headphones or loudspeaker with male jack connector.
2.Connection instruction
STM32 <---> SD Card Module
GND <---> GND
3V <---> 3V3
PB11 <---> CS
PB15 <---> MOSI
PB13 <---> SCK
PB14 <---> MISO
GND <---> GND
PE9 <---> Main button
PE1 <---> Rotating swith
PE8 <---> Rotating swith
PA1 <---> Potentiometer
3.How to run
- Download your audio files onto SD card(remember about proper naming).
- Build this project with CooCox CoIDE and Download Code to Flash.
- The only step is download the project and compile it with CooCox CoIDE.
- Norbert Wołowiec,
- Gracjan Rutkowski.
The project was conducted during the Microprocessor Lab course held by the Institute of Control and Information Engineering, Poznan University of Technology. Supervisor: Tomasz Mańkowski