Minesweeper it's a simple game, you can see my draft for rules or this Wikipedia article for the full story.
It uses Serverless with AWS Lambda and DynamoDB to store the state, and React for the application front-end hosted in an S3 bucket and CloudFront.
The demo is playable online at this link.
When you enter for the first time, you will start a new game with the default width and height (10 x 10) and a permalink with your game progress.
Note: no data is saved in your browser local storage, everything is stored in the cloud, so you can grab this link and open it in another browser or computer and your game will be there.
You can change your settings and click save to update the board.
When you left click a cell it will uncover it, if it's a zero mine adjacent cell it will spread to all adjacent cells with no mine near as well, if it's a mine... well... you lose!
When you right click a cell it will flag it (represented with an F on the cell). The objective of the game is that you flag all cells with a mine underneath and don't flag any cell that does not have a mine.
That's all, have fun!