This repo is a ready to go archetype front-end and back-end to built webapp using AngularJS Sparkjava and MongoDB.
In order to take part in this project you will need to have Node.js, MongoDB and IntelliJ IDEA.
Run the following cmd to deploy sources, install dependencies and initialize a git repo.
git clone
cd friends
git init
sudo npm install && bower install && grunt
- Import project with IntelliJ as gradle project.
- Right click on src/ folder and Mark as source folder.
- Make project.
- Edit run/debug configuration, add an Application and target main class spark.
To import data in mongodb use mongoimport --db DBNAME --collection MODEL --file data/data_sample/DATA.json --jsonArray
Run grunt
for building and grunt serve
for preview.
Node.js server listen on http://localhost:9000
Run from IntelliJ to start server.
Jetty server listen on http://localhost:8080
Run mongod -dbpath absolutePathTo/data/db
Running grunt test
will run the unit tests with karma.