This is a simple utility for reading json payloads that are published to a RabbitMQ Exchange and then writing them to a text file as valid json.
This utility is driven by command line arguments. Type sbt "run --help"
to see them.
[info] Running com.ppb.rabbitconsumer.Main --help
--host <arg>
--password <arg>
--port <arg>
--timeout <arg>
--username <arg>
-h, --help Show help message
trailing arguments:
exchange (required)
routingKey (required)
file-name (required)
For example, to consume from exchange exchange with routing key routingKey and to save results to the out.json, simply type sbt "run exchange routingKey out.json"
. To stop the process, press CTRL+C (SIGINT signal).
Place the Integration Test files files to src/it/scala folder. The test resource file can be provided in src/it/resource folder. Place any test resources to src/it/resources folder.
In this example to pass the integration test Rabbitmq server should be running on default ports. Alternatively, docker instance can be started using following docker image:
docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name my-rabbit -p 15671-15672:15671-15672/tcp -p 5671-5672:5671-5672/tcp -p 61613:61613 rabbitmq:3-management
$ sbt
$ console
$ it:test
If docker support is needed in Travis Continous Integration update the .travis.yml file
- docker
To start Docker Container in Travis Continous Integration
- docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name my-rabbit -p 15671-15672:15671-15672/tcp -p 5671-5672:5671-5672/tcp -p 61613:61613 rabbitmq:3-management
- docker ps -a
Please see
This is released under a modified version of the BSD licence. Please see