A dynamic React based booking app.
- Introduction
- Important Links
- Technology Used
- Features
- Screenshots of the project
- Installation
- Contributions
- Feedback
Welcome to StayEase, where booking your perfect hotel getaway is as simple as a click. Find comfort and convenience at your fingertips with our seamless booking platform.
- Deployed Website 👉 https://stayeaseapp.netlify.app/
Technology | Features |
React.js | Frontend of the application |
Supabase | Database for the application |
React Query | Managing Remote State |
Recharts | Making charts and dashboard analysis |
JSON Web Token | Authorization and Authentication |
Things you can do with URL Shortener:
- Convert the Original URL to the Short URL
- Get Analysis for the application
- Log in to the application
- Log out of the application
- Manage bookings, cabins, and users
Dashboard Page | Dashboard Page |
Login Page | Bookings Page |
Cabins Page | Create new cabin Page |
Create new user Page | Update Profile Page |
Dark mode | Light mode |
To setup the project on your local environment, follow the given steps:
- Fork the Palaksharma23/Stay-Ease repository.
- Clone the repository:
Replace the <USERNAME>
with your GitHub username.
Install the necessary dependencies
npm install
Add a config.env file in the root directory and enter your Supabase credentials The format of config.env file should be similar to the following
To start the server in development mode
npm run dev
Go to
to view the website.
Your worthy contributions are most welcome to the Stay Ease app. If you have an idea for a new feature or a bug fix, please submit an issue or pull request.
Feel free to send any feedback on Twitter or file an issue.