Tasiemka is a aggregator site that collect the best video material from YouTube.
Application allows users to search and watch quality video material. Users can easily look at valuable video. They do not have to waste time for searching. Check this site on: http://tasiemka.info/
- play YouTube video
- search through almost 150 valuable yt channels
- change layout depend your preferences
- ranking videos
- search for channels
- search by tags
- voting system
- add your channel
Ruby [2.3.1]
Rails [4.2.0]
[Frontend framework]yt
[youtube integration]Carrierwave
[image upload system]Cloudinary
[image cloud storage]
Clone the repo (git clone git@github.com:Panczo/tasiemka.git
Copy the database config file (and edit if needed):
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
Setup the database:
bin/rake db:setup
Define your secrets.yml
file and format your data like that (see config.yml
as an example):
# config/secrets.yml
ytapiid: 123
Note: In order to use Youtube authentication you need to have accountin this platform.
bundle install
rails s
Note: To configure react-rails gem look at official repo.