An application to share recipes with friends, amateur cooks and professional chefs.
A FIREBASE project set up.
Navigate to the Firebase Console and find the SDK configuration info, it should look something similar to this:
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "a1b2c3d4a1b2c3d4-e5f6g7h8e5f6g7h8",
authDomain: "",
projectId: "example-name",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "1234567890",
appId: "1:1234567890:web:aaaa1111bbbb2222"
Update each environment variable in the .env file with the corresponding from the Firebase Console expo .env variables must follow this rule per the documentation
"add environment-specific variables on new lines in the form of EXPO_PUBLIC_[NAME]=VALUE
Where apiKey corresponds to EXPO_PUBLIC_API_KEY
and so on
On the terminal install the packages through yarn
For development and quick showcase purpose Expo Go
is prefered
- This can be downloaded on your phone via the corresponding application store
Alternatively it is also possible to build it on the corresponding platform and run it in an android or iOS emulator
Take into consideration the building process can be much more extensive
npx expo start [options]
yarn dev
yarn dev
automatically runs npx expo start --tunnel --clear
for a non-LAN connection and a cache clearing
- State management through Redux
- Back-end through
- Themed by React Native Elements:
"TabSize": "2 spaces",
"Default Icon": "MaterialCommunityIcons from @expo/vector-icons",
"Font Family": {
"Main": "PlaypenSans",
"Optional": [
"Handlee Regular",
"SpaceMono Regular"
- Delete functionality
- Password security regEx
- Email Confirmation
- Email Link
- Email template
- On boarding tunnel
- Delete Image, Limit 10 Photos -> Content-Add Photo Screen/
- Re-vamp add instructions screen