Releases: PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory
Public Beta - v1.0.0. Preview Build 1: Radar & Stealth features
Warning: this is a public beta preview build of BDA Continued, v.1.0.0.
This contains the "Radar & Stealth" features, intended for public testing, among other features & fixes (most notably regarding modular and ballistic missile performance).
Built for KSP Version 1.3.1
If you are a modder and using this to adapt your parts for the radar redesign, also grab the "" file.
v0.3.0.0 - Naval Combat Update
New DLL Changes - Full reinstall required!
BDArmory Core : modularization of systems and features to ease integration for other mod makers
Performance refactor and garbage collection improvements for better memory utilization
New Features
Adding new weaponClass - SLW - Ship Launched Weapon - intended to target surface vessels (splashed) and submarines (splashed and underwater)
weaponClass.SLW is set by missileType torpedo or depthcharge
New "Sonar" Implementation - If RWRThreatTypes is Sonar will not detect flying vessels, only surface ships and submersibles
MAX_ACTIVE_RADAR_RANGE & MAX_ENGAGEMENT_RANGE added to settings.cfg for more control over ranged combat
Updated checks for Landed and Splashed to be more accurate and account for sumbersibles
Renamed "Ground" engagement option to "Surface" to better reflect behavior
MM Patches updated for engagement options and torpedo types
Issue Reference #201 for Sonar, RWR Types, engagement Types, torpedo targeting
Increased Radar Range #170
Logic for Smart Targeting should correct #216
fixing issue with throttle mirroring when switching vessels
adding gaurd mode back to editor, Solves #156
Ballistic Missile guidance improvements
Terminal Guidance will switch back to GPS target if no radar target is found
Detonation damage code updated to correct for zombie missiles after OnCollision
Update of Test craft
New Parts
- Courtesy of SpannerMonkey
- BDA MK1 Sonar Pod
- Sting Ray BDA LightWeight Torpedo
- Courtesy of SpannerMonkey
For a full complement of sonar,torpedos, depth charges and submarine parts see
SMMarine -
Notes on Naval Combat Features
- Current implementation of "Sonar" reuses the current Radar code. Future state will have dedicated windows and naming convention
- Activating a "Sonar" pod still says "Activate Radar"
- A Sonar is defined by setting the rwrThreatType = 6
- Sonar rules
- Will only detect vessels that are underwater (> 20meters)
- Sonar will not function if vessel is in flight
- Sonar does not detect "Landed" vessels, only splashed
- Normal Radar does not detect underwater vessels, still detects "Splashed" i.e. Boats
- Sonar rules
- Engagment type "SLW" only targets underwater (submarines) and Splashed (Boats)
As always, BDA need PhysicsRangeExtender to work properly:
BDArmory v0.2.1.2 - Armor Update
New features
New Armor Parts
- Armor Demonstration -
New Universal Ammunition parts
New Bullet Types and configurations to support Armor penetration
New Universal Ammunition parts
Start of localization
SpannerMonkey: changelog for Ammo overhaul and bullet sweep detail
• Added bulletType = to all applicable turrets Browning AN/M2 bahaOMillennium bahaM230ChainGun bahaHiddenVulcan bahaM102Howitzer bahaM1Abrams BDAcGKmk2 GoalKeeperBDAcMk1 bahaGoalKeeper bahaGau-8 bahaTurret50cal
• Merge existing BDA ammunition resource definitions with UA master list
• Merge existing BDA Bullet and shell sweep definitions with UA master list
• Created large list of all current ammunition across all weapons mods
• Defined bullet and shell sweep for most popular ammunition types , obtained max dat for large caliber marine shells
• Created universal ammo box, a cfg and texture only addition -
Assigned values to universalAmmunition supply
Note: New enhanced ranges and targeting require use of Physics Range Extender
BDArmory v0.2.1.1 for KSP 1.3.0
= Fixes =
- Recompiled and fixed for KSP 1.3.0
= New features=
- Modular Missile Guidance:
New option to detonate a stage on proximity.
BDArmory v0.2.1.0 for KSP 1.2.2
= Fixes =
- Problem with display of trajectories/smoke of missiles #74.
- Warhead and Procedural High Explosive cannot be detonated via Action Group #162.
- AI Pilot is unable to use Rapiers in Air Breathing mode if landed #102.
- Fixing modular missile detonation when switching.
- Fixing max static launch range for modular missiles.
BDArmory v0.2.0.0 compiled for KSP v1.2.2
= New features=
Modular Missile Guidance:
A full rewrite of this part has been done. Now you can build your own missiles, define all its parameters,
even its name. And it will be used by the AI as if it was a stock BDArmory missile!If you want to know more about this new feature, you can download a custom part pack for procedural missiles:
And read this wiki -
Proximity Fuse for Missiles:
A new field called "detonation distance override" has been added to missiles.
0 by default means that it will detonate within is normal explosive radius (eg: 20 meters for AIM-120) -
Small High Explosive Warhead can now be re scaled with TweakScale. Git issue #106
= Changes =
- BDALoadedVesselSwitcher has been integrated into BDArmory, it will not be a separate mod anymore.
Please delete it before installing this version. - Physics range field and logic has been removed:
BDArmory now integrates a new mod called PhysicsRangeExtender.
Now the physics range has been extended to almost 200 km.
However, be careful with landed vessels. Even if the vessel still loaded it could be possible that the terrain beneath it's not there anymore.
= Fixes =
- Game crashes when adjusting the Rotary Bomb Rack. Git Issue #76.
- Missile vs Missile Accuracy. Git Issue #82
- Bomb aiming reticle not working. Git Issue #92.
- Cluster bomb explode on load. Git Issue #151
= Known issues =
- Problem with display of trajectories/smoke of missiles. Git Issue #74
BDArmory v.2.0.0 compiled for KSP v1.2.9
Just compiled for KSP 1.2.9.
- Fix shaders not working on Linux and Mac OS X. Git Issue #73.
- Fix bomb aimer not working. Git Issue #75.
- Fix selected weapon message missing. Git Issue #50.
- Enhancement: Allow assigning of Toggle Radar to action groups. Git Issue #58.
- Enhancement: Ground Radar use resources now.
- Enhancement: Allow the Weapon Manager to turn on the ECM when in guard mode. Git Issue #27
- Known issues: Adjustable Rotary Bomb Rack is officially broken and it has been tagged as (BROKEN)
- Ready for KSP 1.2.1
- New feature: Bullets penetration system.
- New feature: KSPedia integration.
- New parts: Goalkeeper Mk1 and Mk2 - legacy textures.
- AI improvements: for air-ground missiles, prevent firing full complement at once (respect maxMissilesTarget).
- AI improvements: prevent gps guided missiles being used on air targets/incoming missiles.
- AI improvements: improve selection of AA missiles/guns against incoming missiles.
- Missile cost rebalance.