This project contains simple methods to measure sample relatedness and identify potential swaps and contamination
Clone the repository for the latest version: git clone There are some dependencies to the modules:
- None.
- (calculate concordance module): Python.
- plotting_script.R (plot a heat map): The optional plotting routine depends on ggplot2 being installed within R.
- (calculate Gaussian micture model): This optional module relies on Python and the Python libraries sklearn.mixture, numpy, and scipy.
The tool relies on the data being formatted and sorted in the following way:
- each sample (and germ line) should have one tab delimited file that specifies
The script actually only uses the VAF field (variant allele frequency) - the files specified above have to be lexicographically sorted by SNP_ID and SNP_IDs have to be unique within a sample.
Specify the absolute path to each of the files in a text file (one row per file)
Germ lines and samples should be specified in separate files.
Run the "" script followed by a module identifier:
Each module needs optional and mandatory parameters:
- conc -s (OPTIONAL): Symmetrical evaluation (consider homzygotes from samples and germ lines alike. By default only germ line SNPs are regarded : The file with paths to the samples : The file with paths to the gern lines (or samples, if an all vs. all concordance test is desired (use together with -s option).
- heat : The file with the concordance measures (as produced by the "conc" module). : An output pdf file for the heat map to be saved as.
- model : The file with the concordance measures (as produced by the "conc" module).