Authors: Jan Schröder, Arthur Hsu, Anthony T Papenfuss Date: 11.09.2015
SOCRATES is a SV predictor that uses split reads to find breakpoints. It is optimized to be fast and extremely sensitive. SOCRATES is especially useful when you have some prior knowledge or hints about where the breakpoints are. The output may take a bit of filtering otherwise. If you are interested in more prioritization of SVs, GRIDSS ( may be of interest.
Releases from 1.1 onward depend on java 1.8. If Java 1.8 is not an option, please use the old release on
download the current release (socrates-1.11-jar-with-dependencies.jar) -- it contains all necessary libraries.
run the jar file: java -Xmx10g -jar socrates-1.11-jar-with-dependencies.jar (Xmx10g specifies the maximum memory usage for the java virtual machine, and has to be adjusted as necessary) this command runs the full Socrates pipeline. Each stage of the pipeline can be invoked individually. To call a Socrates subcommand, type: *java -Xmx10g -cp socrates-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar[command] * (which can be one of BamStratifier, RealignmentBAM, RealignmentClustering, or AnnotatePairedClusters -- more details below).
While default values (shown in the help messages) have worked satisfactorily in our simulated and real cancer genome sequencing datasets, users should set program parameters in the driver scripts appropriately for their own data. Full lists of program parameters are provided in the following sections, together with a discussion on the impact of changing them where applicable.
1.1. Preprocess BAM File
Stratifies the original BAM file into long and short soft-clips.
usage: command=BAMStratifier [options] alignment bam
-b, --base-quality Minimum average base quality score of soft clipped sequence [default: 5]
-h, --help print this message
-k, --keep-duplicate keep duplicate reads [default: false]
-l, --long-sc-len Length threshold of long soft-clip [default: 25 (bp)]
-p, --percent-id Minimum alignment percent identity to reference [default: 95 (%)]
-q, --min-mapq Minimum alignments mapq [default: 5]
-t, --threads Number of threads to use [default: 1]
-v, --verbose be verbose of progress
Minimum base quality option:
A reasonable threshold helps removing low quality soft clips that could lead to erroneous breakpoint calls.
Long soft clip length:
Studies have shown that longer the sequences the more likely they can be uniquely placed in a genome. In an early study, it is demonstrated that while percentage of unique mapping improves with increasing read length, the rate of gain diminishes past 25nt ( 80% at 25nt and 90% at 40nt). If value for this parameter is too low, many non-unique soft clips will be produced and impact on system requirement, processing time and reliability of results downstream. On the other hand, too high the value results in low number of long soft clips and hence risk of missing breakpoints. Percent identity: We often observe higher-than-expected base mismatch rate for reads in satellite, centromeric and telomeric regions where correctness of alignments can be contentious. Minimum percent identity threshold, which is equivalent to maximum allowable mismatch rate, can greatly reduce these erroneous alignments.
Minimum mapping quality:
Higher mapping quality, while may not guarantee unique alignment, is sufficient to exclude multi-mapping anchor alignments from further analysis for Bowtie2 and BWA aligned reads.
1.2. Process the re-alignment BAM file
usage: Command=RealignmentBAM [options] input_bam output_bam
input_bam Re-aligned soft clip BAM file. Use “-” to accept input from stdin
output_bam Output re-alignment BAM with anchor info merged
anchor_info Anchor info file produced by BAMStratifier
This program merges soft clip re-alignment BAM file with anchor alignment information. The program has a built-in sorting mechanism and therefore can take unsorted, raw re-alignment output from the aligner. While the program accepts input BAM file from standard input channel, this requires more system memory for buffering.
To run this stage together with an aligner, pipe the SAM output straight into the program. For example: Bowtie2 --local -x INDEX -U SCs | java -jar socrates - OUT
1.3. Predict rearrangements
usage: command=RealignmentClustering [options] realigned_sc_bam short_sc_bam metrics_file
-f, --flank Size of flank for promiscuity filter [default: 50 (bp)]
-h, --help print this message
-i, --ideal-only Use only proper pair 5’ SC and anomalous pair 3’ SC [default: false]
-l, --long-sc-len Length threshold of long soft-clip [default: 25 (bp)]
-m, --promiscuity Exclude cluster if more than [promiscuity] clusters within [flank]bp of a break
-p, --percent-id Minimum realignment percent identity to reference [default: 95 (%)]
-q, --min-mapq Minimum realignments mapq [default: 2]
-c, --short-sc-cluster Search for short soft clip cluster support for unpaired clusters
-s, --max-support Maximum realignment support to search for short SC cluster [default: 30]
-t, --threads Number of threads to use [default: 3]
-v, --verbose be verbose of progress
The rearrangement predictor is the main part of the algorithm. It clusters the split reads, and then pairs clusters to form the output. There are two files generated: the paired and unpaired outputs. The paired output contains the best results, while the unpaired contains any soft-clips that have realigned anywhere else in the process re-alignments stage of the algorithm. The unpaired results are included for completeness as they can contain some useful information, but overall this output is comprised of false positives due to mapping errors and other artifacts. The paired output contains various columns of information that describe the location of the break point and the level of support:
- C1_realign - this genomic locus describes the position of the realigned soft-clips of cluster 1. The position is a consensus if the realignments are not exactly the same for all soft-clips. The locus is that of the first soft- clipped base, so the one immediately next to the breakpoint.
- C1_realign_dir - this field takes either "+" or "-" and indicates whether the realigned soft-clips map upstream of C1_realign (+) or downstream (-) -- with respect to the reference genome.
- C1_realign_consensus - a consensus sequence made of soft-clips in cluster 1. An asterisk optionally marks the position of the breakpoint within the consensus (if the position was unanimous).
- C1_anchor - a second locus describing the anchor region of the cluster. The anchor is defined by the reads that were mapped in the initial alignments and which soft-clips formed the earlier columns. The position is the consensus of positions before the first soft-clipped base.
- C1_anchor_dir - analogous to above this field describes whether the anchor region is upstream ("+") or downstream ("-") of the breakpoint in the reference.
- C1_anchor_consensus - the consensus sequence of the anchor reads.
- C1_long_support - this number counts the number of "long" soft-clips (as specified during the run of Socrates) that support the cluster C1. This number is at least 1, as there would not be a cluster without a realigned soft-clip.
- C1_long_support_bases - the number of nucleotides in the long support of the preceding column counted and reported in this column.
- C1_short_support - similarly, the short support is counted in number...
- C1_short_support_bases - ... and nucleotides.
- C1_short_support_max_len - the length of the longest SC in this support group.
- C1_avg_realign_mapq - this last column for C1 summarizes the average mapping quality of the anchor reads. It can be a helpful filter criteria and a minimum value can be specified at the launch of Socrates. 13-24. C2 columns - all columns described above are repeated for C2. There is only one noticeable difference: C2 can be a cluster formed without realigned soft-clips (see "short SC cluster" below), which leads to empty consensus sequences (there are double-tabs in the output, which can be quite nasty to deal with. Apologies!) and long-support values set to 0. Finally, the column labeled "BP_condition" describes the nature of the fusion event. It can take any of five values:
- Blunt-end joining: the most straight forward case of a clean join (none of the below).
- Micro-homology: Xbp homology found! (XXX): the two joined regions are identical for X bases across the break. Therefore the true location of the breakpoint is only known within those boundaries.
- Inserted sequence: XXX: There is a short bit of sequence inserted in between the two loci of the fusion. The sequence is either untemplated or from somewhere else in the genome (but too short to map).
- unequal distances of realigned breakpoint to anchor breakpoint: X v Y: In this case the realignment and anchor loci of the two paired clusters do not support the exact same coordinate for a fusion (|X-Y| indicates the difference). This is usually due to mis-mappings.
- Unequal inserted sequence: XXX v Y: an insert occurs as above, but Socrates was unable to determine the exact sequence. One of the values should contain the correct sequence.
- short SC cluster: In most experiments the most prevalent type, yet the least trustworthy. Only one side of the breakpoint is supported by realigned split reads, the other by short bits of soft-clipped sequence only. This sort of cluster pairing makes Socrates very sensitive, but introduces false positives.
1.4. Annotating rearrangements
usage: command=AnnotatePairedClusters [options] socrates_paired_cluster_output
-n, --normal Socrates paired breakpoint calls for normal sample
-r, --repeatmask UCSC repeat masker track file in BED format, Tabix indexed.
1.5. Structural variant types The current version of Socrates does not support typing of variants as other tools do. The reasoning is that typing events can interfere with the interpretation of results as they might be too suggestive. For example, insertions (of novel sequence) and deletions have the same breakpoint signature. This signature is commonly referred to as the deletion type. The deletion type is also involved in other, more complex rearrangements. We therefore have so far refrained from annotating these types. However, for the sake of completeness, here are the type signatures relating to Socrates breakpoints (let us assume that C1 realign and C1 anchor are on the same chromosome and C1 realign pos < C1 anchor pos): C1_realign_dir + & C1_anchor_dir -: DELETION TYPE C1_realign_dir - & C1_anchor_dir +: TANDEM DUPLICATION TYPE C1_realign_dir + & C1_anchor_dir +: INVERSION TYPE (I) C1_realign_dir - & C1_anchor_dir -: INVERSION TYPE (II) If C1 and C2 are on different chromosomes, the consensus for types is not as clearly defined as those types above.