It's a project to re-implement the C++ program of graph-based ANNS and explore all kinds of variants to improve the performance of the algorithm.
- OS: Ubuntu/Debian
- Compiler: g++ >= 4.9
- Software/Packages: Anaconda >= 4.5.1, Matlab
Download the data from, and construct a kNN-graph. And organize the files as follow:
├── gist
│ ├── gist_100NN_100.graph
│ ├── gist_base.fvecs
│ ├── gist_groundtruth.ivecs
│ ├── gist_learn.fvecs
│ └── gist_query.fvecs
├── sift
│ ├── sift_100NN_100.graph
│ ├── sift_base.fvecs
│ ├── sift_groundtruth.ivecs
│ ├── sift_learn.fvecs
│ └── sift_query.fvecs
To use OPQ encoding of python version, you need faiss. Run
conda install faiss-cpu -c pytorch
Some of C++ code (almost not) need Eigen. Run
tar xzvf eigen-3.3.7.tar.gz
sudo cp -r eigen-3.3.7/Eigen /usr/local/include/Eigen
Then you can use #include <Eigen>
in C++ code.
You can find all compile instructions and program parameter format in scripts
Running scripts can conduct the experiments automatically.
You can also compile the code and execute it manually as you want.
You can find programs in folder opq_encode
to apply OPQ encoding process:
matlab version (recommended)
faiss versionre-impl/
C++ version (unfinished)
After you finish encoding, run
to test graph-based ANNS with OPQ encoding.
You can also download my encoding files from ,password: 6z5e.
- re-implement OPQ encoding in C++
- re-imlement NSG
- conduct more experiments about graph-based ANNS with OPQ encoding