This project has born out of necessity to decrease time of creating certain part of industrial automation via TIA Portal.
At the moment, this is what exists:
- An API to parse SimaticML .xml files generated from TIAOpenness, modify values inside them (Still WIP) and generate a new file to be imported again in TIA. SUPPORT ONLY LADDER LOGIC (LAD).
- A series of tools to generate ladder fc blocks to automate repetitive task (Alias generation and Alarm generation).
- A series of grids to better handle repetitive task before done inside TIA Portal
- Javascript support for better customization
- Many specific tools to improve QOL
- Grids support CTRL+Z / CTRL+Y
- Fully Localized (IT - EN)
- AddIn for TIA to import / export blocks to .xml files.
- Supports version of TIA from V16 up to V19 (Previous version are very different and will not be implemented)
Still WIP, but adds the ability to create segments programmatically. Still needs quite a grasp on how siemens generate .xml files since names are taken from there.
Below an example on how to create an FC block.
var fc = new BlockFC();
//Add basic block information, like name, number and programming language.
fc.AttributeList.BlockName = "FC_TEST";
fc.AttributeList.BlockNumber = 123;
fc.AttributeList.ProgrammingLanguage = SimaticProgrammingLanguage.LADDER;
//Add two temp variables to the specific section.
fc.AttributeList.TEMP.AddMember("tVar1", SimaticDataType.BOOLEAN);
fc.AttributeList.TEMP.AddMember("tVar2", SimaticDataType.BOOLEAN);
var compileUnit = fc.AddCompileUnit();
//Create the parts that will form the compileUnit (Segment). Also add the operand of the part to the local variable created before.
//A Part is everything that does something inside a segment (Contact, Coil, Block) that is not an FC/FB.
var contact = new ContactPart(compileUnit) { Operand = new SimaticLocalVariable("tVar1") };
var coil = new CoilPart(compileUnit) { Operand = new SimaticLocalVariable("tVar2") };
//Create the connections between the parts
// |
// | --- || --- ()
// |
var _ = compileUnit.Powerrail & contact & coil; //Create a AND connection between all the parts.
//Update all internal ID and UID of the block.
fc.UpdateID_UId(new IDGenerator());
//Create skeleton for the XML Document and add the FC to it.
var xmlDocument = SimaticMLAPI.CreateDocument(fc);
//Save the file.
xmlDocument.Save(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/fc.xml");
- FastColoredTextBox (For JS Editor) -
- Jint (For JS parsing) -
- RJControls (RJCodeAdvance) -