Releases: Parquery/sphinx-icontract
Releases · Parquery/sphinx-icontract
sphinx-icontract 2.0.3
sphinx-icontract 2.0.2
- Fixed compatibility with
>=2.4.0 (#24)
sphinx-icontract 2.0.1
- Updated asttokens dependency range to >=2,<3 since it conflicted with icontract>=2.3.0
sphinx-icontract 2.0.0
- Updated to icontract 2.0.0
sphinx-icontract 1.3.1
- Updated to icontract 1.7.1 due to tight coupling with refactored icontract internals
sphinx-icontract 1.3.0
- Renders
sphinx-icontract 1.2.0
- Made inferrence of implications more sophisticated
sphinx-icontract 1.1.1
- Updated to icontract 1.5.9
sphinx-icontract 1.1.0
- Added rendering of implications (not A or B is rendered as A ⇒ B)
- Contracts of property getter, setter and deleter are included in the documentation.
sphinx-icontract 1.0.1
- Fixed Readme to render correctly on