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The CreateFile Test

swatDong edited this page Sep 14, 2014 · 1 revision

##Introduction This benchmark is to test the createFile operation performance of Tachyon. It will setup a set of TachyonFS and create files to TachyonMaster concurrently.

When running, each node starts several threads and each thread will create a sequence of files. You can choose to create empty files or write sth to the files. The performance statistics are collected at intervals.Note that each node and each thread works in a single directory.

This is a benchmark aimed at TACHYON-112.

##Configuration The configurations of this benchmark is in conf/testSuite/CreateFile.xml.

Property Name Meaning Default Value
threads.num the threads num of create file test 4
files.per.thread the number of files to create for each thread 1000
file.length.bytes if greater than 0, it will write sth to the files with 'TRY_CACHE' 0
interval.seconds collect statistics every interval 10

##Result Demo This benchmark is supported to generate a total report by the tool TachyonPerfCollector. After finished a CreateFile Test, you can generate a total report with the command ./bin/tachyon-perf-collect CreateFile. Here is a demo of the total report:

CreateFile Test - ID : 1410670786547
Finished Successfully
********** System Configuratiom **********
NodeName	Cores	WorkerMemory
localhost	16	6.0GB
Total	16	6.0GB
********** CreateFile Test Settings **********
tachyon.perf.tfs.address	tachyon://localhost:19998
file.length.bytes	0
files.per.thread	1000
interval.seconds	10
threads.num	4
********** Slave Details **********
0@localhost's performance(files/sec) of creating files: [total 80 seconds]
	Sun Sep 14 12:59:46 CST 2014:0 operations
	Sun Sep 14 12:59:56 CST 2014:1569 operations; 156.86 files/sec
	Sun Sep 14 13:00:06 CST 2014:2124 operations; 55.48 files/sec
	Sun Sep 14 13:00:16 CST 2014:2582 operations; 45.79 files/sec
	Sun Sep 14 13:00:26 CST 2014:2969 operations; 38.69 files/sec
	Sun Sep 14 13:00:36 CST 2014:3311 operations; 34.19 files/sec
	Sun Sep 14 13:00:46 CST 2014:3541 operations; 22.99 files/sec
	Sun Sep 14 13:00:56 CST 2014:3735 operations; 19.39 files/sec
	Sun Sep 14 13:01:06 CST 2014:4000 operations; 26.49 files/sec

In the total report, it will list the related system environment, the configurations and the performance result. In the CreateFile Test, we focus on the createFile operation performance and we show the result in files/sec.

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