This is simple api for mods to check if action is allowed in a region. Its main idea is to have one single common api for checking against multiple mods.
For claim/protection mods, it adds simple handler system you can implement.
To begin, you need to add Nucleoid's maven to your build build.gradle
repositories {
// There might be other repos there too, just add it at the end
maven { url "" }
Then you just declare it as dependency!
dependencies {
// You will have other dependencies here too
modImplementation include("eu.pb4:common-protection-api:[VERSION]")
This will also include it in yours mods, so users won't need to download it separately.
You just need to replace [VERSION]
with version you want to use (which should be usually the latest available).
For list of version names, you can check maven
To check, you just need to call static methods in
Claim mods need to create a object extending
and register it with CommonProtection.register(Identifier, ProtectionProvider)