This repo consists of a Vivado project which enables power monitoring of a VHDL module during execution. The hardware in use is the ZedBoard.
- Daniel Aspodinger
- Patrick Himler
- Paul Unfried
- Lukas Vogl
For the proof-of-concept a AES encryption/decryption module is used. (Source:
Power monitoring is done by extracting indicative signals from the Design Under Test (DUT). These signals are connected to the "pwr-mon" module which counts the falling and rising edges of those signals.
The measured values are flushed to UART in a periodic manner. As a output format CSV is used.
CSV-data is then picked up by the Excel-tool which provides a diagram of the measured values.
To compile the project please check the AES project and follow the README there.
In order to get the design on the board a boot.bin file is needed to be placed on a SD card -> See AES project. Unfortunately we did not manage to get the boot.bin out of Vitis (which replaced Xilinx-SDK in a newer version).
The workaround we found:
- Copy boot.bin from the AES project on SD card and insert in zedboard
- Turn on zedboard and connect to PC
- Zedboard should boot the AES application
- Generate bitstream in Vivado (this might take several minutes)
- Open hardware manager in Vivado and program bitstream to FPGA
- AES application should boot but with the new bitstream in the FPGA
Uart output is mapped to JA1.