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Paul edited this page Mar 20, 2022 · 34 revisions

LEDMatrix_22 Manual


VIDEO: Panel of 3072 leds in 48 8x8 tiles, configured as 12 led strips in 3 Banks of 4 strips in each Bank.

Now works with ESP32, Teensy 3.5/3.6, Teensy 4.0/4.1

and other 32 bit (recommended) MCUs.


If you just want to jump directly into LEDMatrix_22 set up for your LED project, go to Section “5. Set up using configuration_22.h”

The LEDMatrix_22 library is a medium weight, two-dimensional graphics library for led matrices/arrays using FastLED. This is an update and enhancement of previous LEDMatrix libraries. In addition to drawing shapes, and text, this library expands image and animation handling to 24 bit color. Larger displays can be formed using tiles of led strips/panels - to build one big matrix. New and enhanced feature include:

  • 2-wire leds: APA102, Adafruit's DotStar, SK9822, HD1701, LPD8806, SM16716, WS2801.
  • 1-wire Neomatrix led stripss and arrays (WS2812, etc.).
  • 24 bit color image and basic sprite display (no edge detection).
  • Tile save/restore to restore backgrounds.
  • Transparent sprite drawing. (No boundary detection)
  • Text, image, and sprite rotation in 90 deg increments.
  • Option to read a XYTable_LookUp.h to replace slower, complex coordinate calculations.
  • An Arduino sketch utility to create the lookup table is included.
    • The lookup table option allows for irregularly shaped led physical layouts.
  • A report generator to confirm proper led array mapping configuration.
  • Method names now use Adafruit_GFX naming (for similar methods).

My LED Extender shields,

  • Along with my LED Extender shields (, 1-wire and 2-wire led stripss can be wired in multiple Banks to reduce led strips length. The extenders:
    • Eliminates led "sparkle" and flashing (a frustrating problem with 2-wire led types) by reducing the number of leds needed in series.
    • With proper power supplies, and wiring, the Extenders ( can support up to at least 256 leds per strip. That's 64,000 leds! A 32 bit MCU such as the Teensy 4.0/4.1 is required.
    • Multiplexes controller wiring, reducing pin count 1-wire or 2-wire led stripss. Up to 16 led stripss/panels with only 8 wires! (4 for 2 DATA + 2 CLOCK pins, and up to 4 more "enable" pins to switch between Banks of led stripss.
    • Voltage step up from 3.3v to 5v.
    • Isolates the MCU from the led wiring.


**There are numerous examples in the examples folder.