STRIPState is a framework for managing state in an application without mutation based on STRIPS and situation calculus.
STRIPState depends upon
Situations. The loader
assumes it can be accessed as situations(loader)
In this library a situation is a list of fluents that hold in that state.
[power(kettle, on), temp(water, cold), broken(heating_element)]
This list is what is passed around your application.
To change this list, you should only do so through actions, which extend the action prototype:
:- object(drop(_Item_),
poss(Situation) :-
:- end_object.
This describes a drop action that is only possible when holding the
item. All actions must have possible conditions, even if they're
always possible by defining the predicate poss/1
as poss(_).
An action is done like so:
?- Sit = [holding(ball)], drop(ball)::do(Sit, NextSit).
The values that change in the application are called fluents (because of the situation calculus influence). We need to define in what situations they hold with what values. Most of the time, this will just be if that fluent is a member of the situation list. In these cases you only need to declare the fluent. Note, in Logtalk the objects are identified by their functors.
:- object(holding(_Item_),
:- end_object.
Should the fluent be derived from others, this can be declared like so:
:- object(net_profit(_Profit_),
holds(S) :-
_Profit_ is P - C.
:- end_object.
We can query them like so:
?- holding(What)::holds([holding(pen)]).
What = pen.
?- S = [holding(pen)], pick_up(ball)::do(S, S1), holding(What)::holds(S1).
What = ball ;
What = pen.
?- drop(pen)::do($(S1), S2), holding(What)::holds(S2).
What = ball.
Finally, the situation object has a couple of utility predicates:
?- stripstate::poss(A, []).
A = pick_up(ball).
?- stripstate::holds(holding(pen) and holding(ball), [holding(pen), holding(ball)]).
The holds/2
predicate on the situation object is quite different, it
also contains query composition operators: and
, or
, not
, and equivalentTo
. These are transformed via the revised
Lloyd Topper transformations from Reiter, and then the individual
fluents or other goals are called. This is useful when defining poss/1
for actions:
:- object(boil_kettle,
poss(S) :-
stripstate::holds(power(kettle, on) and not kettle_water(empty), S).
retract_fluents([temp(water, cold), power(kettle, on)]).
assert_fluents([temp(water, hot), power(kettle, off)]).
:- end_object.
As we're in Logtalk, not/1
has the same meaning as \+/1
Finally, to persist a situation between sessions, persist the list of fluents and reload. This method of state handling clobbers it's history of events. Should this be important for your application, consider using SitCalc instead.