GammaRay 5.7 - Full 2D Automatic Variogram Model Fitting and Analysis
Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe
GSLib Fortran source codes and executables for your operating system can be found here:
Some GSLib executables for MacOS can be found here:
Ghostscript for your platform, necessary to render GSLib plots, can be found here:
What's new:
🆕 Full 2D Automatic Variogram Model Fitting and Analysis. See Section 10.9 of the manual.
🔵 Quick Varmap outputs actual semivariance instead of unitized values.
🔵 Quick Varmap with two methods: based on the Fourier Integral Method and based on a spectral method. See Sections 10.8.1 and 10.8.2 of the manual.
🔵 UPDATE 5.7.1: Automatic Variogram Fitting: LSRS and Genetic Algorithm methods were made multithreaded for faster execution.
🔶 The Quick Grid Viewer no longer hides behind the Main Window when the user interacts with something else in the program.
🆕 = NEW FEATURE; 🔵 = Enhancement; 🔶 = Defect fixed.