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Releases: PauloCarvalhoRJ/gammaray

GammaRay 6.5: Vertical Proportion Curves.

12 Aug 19:53
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Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

These software must be installed in your system if you do not have them already:

File contains the Windows executable compiled with the Embedded_FTM branch, which adds an "ignore gaps" option to the Facies Transition Matrix computation.

What's new:

🆕: Vertical Proportion Curves. See user manual, Section 11.3.
🔵: 3D viwer: Antialisaing: user can disable it, with command line option -aa=none, or switch to MSAA (better looking), with command line option -aa=MSAA, instead of the default FXAA (faster).
🔵: Automatic Variogram Fitting: variogram paramaters fit during experiments can be saved as a data set for cluster analysis.
🔶: 3D Viewer: antialiasing: switched from FXAA to MSAA for overall better results.
🔶: 3D Viewer: more elegant way to update the scene during adjustment of vertical exaggeration, instead of programmatically changing the position of the main window's splitter to force a rendering.
🔶: GUI: Fixed some tiny icons in 4k displays.
🔶: GUI: Main window fails to start maximized in 4k displays.
🔶: Category Definition: Black letters over dark colors in the PDF editor making reading category names difficult.
🔶: 3D Viewer: probing returning only the first scalar field repeated as many times as the number of scalar fields.
🔶: 3D Viewer: color bar with label ticks. Custom VTK 2D widget to workaround bug in vtkScalarBarActor, which does not display the ticks even with DrawTickLabelsOn() called. Once this bug is solved, the entire commit (f6d7625) can be reverted.
🔶: Gabor Filter Dialog: adjustment for layout in UHD displays.
🔴: Calculator: expressions resulting in infinity are now saved to data files as the no-data value or -999 instead of -inf text, which caused the program or GSLib to crash.
🔴: 3D Viewer: crash when probing objects without scalar fields.
🔴: Automatic Variogram Fitting: random crash caused by race condition.
🔴: getBoundingBox(): incorrect initialization of max values with std::numeric_limits::min() instead of -std::numeric_limits::max()

🆕: NEW FEATURE; 🔵: enhancement; 🔶: defect fix; 🔴: bug fix.

GammaRay 6.3: Improvements to MCMCSim and Automatic Variogram Fitting.

08 Apr 22:49
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Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

These software must be installed in your system if you do not have them already:

What's new:

🆕: Experimenting with the parameters of automatic variogram fitting algorithm.
🔵: Data Imputation with MCMC: user can set an FTM to enforce only certain transitions.
🔵: Transiography: The Chi Squared test can numerically support a larger number of facies (larger number of degrees of freedom).
🔶: Fixed font size in UHD displays in the Automatic Variogram Fitting dialog.
🔴: Incorrect thickness computation in SegmentSets if the data set is reordered.

🆕: NEW FEATURE; 🔵: enhancement; 🔶: defect fix; 🔴: bug fix.

GammaRay 6.2: Data imputation with MCMC simulation.

25 Feb 21:43
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Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

These software must be installed in your system if you do not have them already:

What's new:

🆕 Data imputation with Markov Chains-Monte Carlo simulation (Section 14.4 of the manual).
🆕 Filtering of data sets. (Section 7.14 of the manual).


GammaRay 6.1: Create facies transition matrices and 3D picking & probing.

13 Jan 23:12
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Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

These software must be installed in your system if you do not have them already:

What's new:

🆕 Create Facies Transition Matrix. The user no longer needs to create FTMs externally (Section 11.1 of the manual).
🆕 3D Viewer: Picking and Probing (Section 5.14.1 of the manual).
🔵 Overhaul of the Automatic Variogram Fitting feature.
🔵 Improved performance in data file saving.
🔶Icons of generic variables not appearing in UHD displays.
🔶Missing icons for UHD displays.
🔶Added icons for UHD displays in the viewer 3D widget.
🔶3D Viewer: incorrect transparency handling.
🔶Suppressing of overwhelming compiler warnings caused by VTK and ITK headers.
🔴 Automatic Variogram Fitting: bug in Gradient Descent algorithm.
🔴 Values transfer from Cartesian grid to Point Set: crash caused by either 2D PointSets or a small number of points.

🆕: NEW FEATURE; 🔵: enhancement; 🔶: defect fix; 🔴: bug fix.

GammaRay 6.0 - Markov Chain Random Field Simulation

26 Sep 01:04
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Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

These software must be installed in your system if you do not have them already:

What's new:

🆕 Markov Chains Random Field Simulation (manual Section 14.3).
🆕 New data type: Segment Set (manual Section 5.3.3).
🆕 Convert facies names/symbols into facies code in data files (manual Section 7.9).
🆕 Convert variable to categorical variable quickly and directly (no classification step) (manual Section 7.10).
🆕 New object: Facies Transition Matrix (manual Section 11.1).
🆕 Cyclicity analysis and significance test (null hypothesis) for Markovian memory (manual Section 11.1.2).
🆕 Facies transition diagram (manual Section 11.1.3).
🆕 Experimental transiogram calculation and transiogram modeling dialog (manual Section 11.2).
🆕 Constructor of GeoGrids from multiple horizons (manual Section 15.2.2).
🆕 Multiple Facies Relationship Diagrams for a range of separations (h) (manual Section 11.2.2).
🆕 Flip grid data in either U, V or W directions (manual Section 7.13).
🔵 Can display 2D grids as surfaces (z = variable).
🔵 Categories can have a custom RGB color, in addition to the mandatory GSLib color.
🔵 Antialiased PostScript (plots) rendering.
🔵 Viewer 3D: option to display attributes in GeoGrids in UVW Cartesian grid.
🔵 Making continuous variables as categorical now avaliable for Cartesian and GeoGrid grids.
🔵 Added color scale setting for Attributes in 3D Cartesian and Geo- grids.
🔵 Minor performance improvement for the spatial index.
🔵 Improved performance of spatial index bulk loading.
🔵 Factorial Kriging: choice of search algorithm: one good on average for most data sets; another tuned for large datasets.
🔵 Added Cartesian grid-to-Cartesian grid collocated values transfer.
🔵 Added Cartesian grid-to-Point set collocated values transfer.
🔶 Cateorical definitons now can have tens of classes.
🔶 Hability to save plots not originated from GSLib programs.
🔶 File::readFromFS() was not overidden in DataFile.
🔶 CartesianGrid's IJKtoXYZ() was not returning the centers of the cells per GridFile's contract.
🔶 Viewer 3D: rendition of 3D Cartesian grids with incorrect cell dimensions.
🔶 Viewer 3D: categorical variables are rendered with the colors of its categorical definition.
🔶 Categorization of variables where incorrectly mapping NDVs to fallback category code.
🔶 3D Viewer: unnecessary ::New() within a loop causing major bottleneck in surface visualization.
🔶 GeoGrid was not implementing freeLoadedData().
🔶 Added a defensive assert to DataFile::getCategoryDefinition().
🔶 Negative size values for files larger than 2GB.
🔶 Incorrect greater-than operator in comparator for a multiset, resulting in inverted sorting.
🔶 SVDFactor::get[Min/Max]Value(): replaced std::[min/max]_element() calls with explicit loops since these functions don't ignore NaNs.
🔴 Category Definition editor: Crash caused by passing invalid GSLib color codes to Util::getGSLibColor().

🆕: NEW FEATURE; 🔵: enhancement; 🔶: defect fix; 🔴: bug fix.

GammaRay 5.7 - Full 2D Automatic Variogram Model Fitting and Analysis

14 Jul 21:58
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Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

GSLib Fortran source codes and executables for your operating system can be found here:

Some GSLib executables for MacOS can be found here:

Ghostscript for your platform, necessary to render GSLib plots, can be found here:

What's new:

🆕 Full 2D Automatic Variogram Model Fitting and Analysis. See Section 10.9 of the manual.
🔵 Quick Varmap outputs actual semivariance instead of unitized values.
🔵 Quick Varmap with two methods: based on the Fourier Integral Method and based on a spectral method. See Sections 10.8.1 and 10.8.2 of the manual.
🔵 UPDATE 5.7.1: Automatic Variogram Fitting: LSRS and Genetic Algorithm methods were made multithreaded for faster execution.
🔶 The Quick Grid Viewer no longer hides behind the Main Window when the user interacts with something else in the program.

🆕 = NEW FEATURE; 🔵 = Enhancement; 🔶 = Defect fixed.

GammaRay 5.5 - Wavelet Transform

10 Feb 17:13
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Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

GSLib Fortran source codes and executables for your operating system can be found here:

Some GSLib executables for MacOS can be found here:

Ghostscript for your platform, necessary to render GSLib plots, can be found here:

What's new:

🆕 Wavelet Transform. See Section 8.7 of the manual.

🆕 New feature.

GammaRay 5.3 - Gabor Analysis

14 Jan 21:02
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Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

What's new:

🆕 Gabor Analysis. See Section 8.6 of the manual.

🆕 New feature.

GammaRay 5.1 - Empirical Mode Decomposition

13 Dec 23:01
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Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

⚠️ If you've already downloaded version 5.1 prior to Dec, 15th, you need to download it again to have a bug patched.

What's new:

🆕 Empirical Mode Decomposition. See Section 8.5 of the manual.

🆕 New feature.

GammaRay 5.0 - Stratigraphic Grid

28 Oct 22:23
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Windows users: Download the ZIP and extract the files into any directory. Run the program by activating GammaRay.exe.

What's new:

🆕 GeoGrid: GammaRay's implementation of a stratigraphic grid. See Section 14.0 of the manual.

🆕 New feature.