Prerequisite: maali assumes that modules are available in your system, via either Environment Modules or Lmod.
You should be able to install maali on your workstation by using:
git clone
cd maali
MAALI_MODULE_SET_MAALI_DEFAULT_COMPILERS='gcc/4.8.5' ./maali -t maali -v 1.7.2 -w
where gcc/4.8.5
is an available modulefile for GCC 4.8.5.
Richer sample installation scripts can be found in pawsey-install/
For instance, for a personal installation of maali on Magnus use:
pawsey-install/ 1.7.2
Pawsey staff add the flag -s
to perform a system installation.
To install a package, use something like:
module load maali/1.7.2
maali -t cpmd -v 4.1
Cygnet files (i.e. build configuration files) are looked for in a dedicated Github repo, which by default is