Clone the repo and go to the repo directory
Create a
file with the environment variables:PRICE_API_TOKEN="<COINDANCE_API_KEY>"
(necessary only when working with the paybutton client for SideShift integration)
Run the following make command* to build/pull the relevant docker images and run the server locally:
make dev
*If you run docker as root, run the command above with
App will be available at http://localhost:3000.
Local changes on source code should trigger a reload immediately.
When developing, there are some commands are meant to be run inside the docker container. To make this process easier, many of them can be run in the host machine with yarn docker [command]
. Running yarn docker
will show all of them:
Available commands:
shortcut, command name [container_name] command description
nr, nextrestart [paybutton-dev] restart the nextJS server
nl, nextlogs [paybutton-dev] see the logs for the nextJS server
db, database [paybutton-db] enter the mariadb command-line using the main db
dbr, databaseroot [paybutton-db] enter the mariadb command-line as root
dbd, databasedump [paybutton-db] dump all db tables as root
dbs, databaseshell [paybutton-db] enter the shell of the mariadb container
dbt, databasetest [paybutton-db] enter the mariadb command-line using the test db
dbu, databaseuser [paybutton-db] enter the mariadb command-line using the users db
t, test [paybutton-dev] run tests
tf, testfull [paybutton-dev] run tests, show full output
tw, testwatch [paybutton-dev] run tests watching it
tc, testcoverage [paybutton-dev] test coverage
ns, nodeshell [paybutton-dev] enter the node container
rns, rootnodeshell [paybutton-dev] enter the node container as root
y, yarn [paybutton-dev] run `yarn` on the node container
ya, yarnadd [paybutton-dev] run `yarn add ARGS` on the node container
yad, yarnadddev [paybutton-dev] run `yarn add -D ARGS` on the node container
yr, yarnremove [paybutton-dev] run `yarn remove ARGS` on the node container
m, migrate [paybutton-dev] run migrations
mm, makemigration [paybutton-dev] create a migration with name ARGS
mr, migratereset [paybutton-dev] recreate the database
pd, prismadb [paybutton-dev] run `prisma db ARGS`
pg, prismagenerate [paybutton-dev] run `prisma generate` to generate client from scheme
c, cache [paybutton-cache] enter the redis command-line interface
cs, cacheshell [paybutton-dev] enter the redis container
cr, cachereset [paybutton-dev] clear the whole redis cache
cmr, cachemainreset [paybutton-dev] clear the main redis cache
cbr, cachebullmqreset [paybutton-dev] clear the bullMQ redis database
jl, jobslogs [paybutton-dev] watch jobs logs
js, jobsstop [paybutton-dev] stop jobs
jr, jobsrestart [paybutton-dev] restart jobs
sl, serverlogs [paybutton-dev] watch WS server logs
ss, serverstop [paybutton-dev] stop WS server
sr, serverrestart [paybutton-dev] restart WS server
WARNING: Notice this means that many commands are not supposed to work by running then purely on the host machine.
For example, yarn test
runs the test
script, but this won't work properly when executed from the host machine, so the proper way to execute tests are to run them with yarn docker test
(or manually entering the paybutton-dev
container and running yarn test
there, which is exactly what yarn docker test
PayButton Server is configured with a paybutton-config.json
file in the root of the repository. An example file can be find at config/example-config.json. The values it takes are:
type: string
default: "http://localhost:3000/api",
Base path for the API.
type: string
default: "/api/auth"
Base API endpoint for authentication.
type: string
default: "http://localhost:3000"
Base path for the website.
type: string
default: "http://localhost:5000"
Base path for the websocket server.
type: boolean
default: false,
If the connection of test networks for eCash and Bitcoin Cash should appear in the Networks tab.
type: {
"ecash": "https://chronik.fabien.cash",
"bitcoincash": "https://chronik.pay2stay.com/bch"
What URLs to connect each network chosen client to (from networkBlockchainClients)
type: string
default: "https://coin.dance/api/"
API to get prices from. Only coin.dance currently supported.
type: string
default: "redis://paybutton-cache:6379"
URL for the Redis server.
type: {
"ecash": "chronik",
"bitcoincash": "chronik"
default: {
"ecash": "chronik",
"bitcoincash": "chronik"
Which client to use to get the blockchain information for each network. Currently, only "chronik" is supported for eCash and Bitcoin Cash.
type: {
"ecash": boolean
"bitcoincash": boolean
default: {
"bitcoincash": true
What networks are currently under maintenance.
type: number
default: 3000
How long a POST request triggered from a button payment will wait for an answer to be marked as successful.
type: string
default: N/A
Host name for the server from which payment trigger emails will be sent. Not setting this up will result in email triggers not working.
type: number
default: N/A
Port for the SMTP server from which payment trigger emails will be sent. Not setting this up will result in email triggers not working.
type: string
default: N/A
Necessary only for paybutton client to interact with sideshift through the server.
- For production, set
This optimizes the build for performance and skips the setup of various dev tools (like LiveReload).
Send us an email and we'll get in touch: contact@paybutton.org