This tool measures the latency response of a series of API endpoints and creates a PDF report with an HDR histogram of all API endpoints.
takes either a JSON/YAML file or a JSON string containing endpoint data and query parameters (optional), queries each endpoint using the query parameters (or default query values if no parameters have been specified), and outputs a PDF report containing all the endpoint query results plotted in an HDR histogram.
$ ./rtapi -h
Real time API latency analyzer - Create a PDF report and HDR histogram of Your APIs
rtapi [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--file value, -f value select a JSON or YAML file to load
--data value, -d value input API parameters directly as a JSON string
--output value, -o value output query results in easy to grasp PDF report
--print, -p output technical query results to terminal (default: false)
--json, -j output technical query results as json to terminal (default: false)
--splunk -s select a JSON or YAML file to load Splunk output parameters
--quiet, -q don't show progress bar (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
"target": {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"body": "{\"id\":\"0\"}",
"header": {
"Content-Type": [
"query_parameters": {
"threads": 2,
"max_threads": 2,
"connections": 12,
"duration": "10s",
"request_rate": 500
- target:
method: POST
body: '{"id":"0"}'
- application/json
threads: 2
max_threads: 2
connections: 12
duration: 10s
request_rate: 500
"authkey":"Splunk xyz",
"source": "rtapi for splunk by PeaStew"
Only the target.url
parameter is required. If no method is specified the default is "GET", while in the case of the body and headers these will simply remain empty during the benchmark.
The default query_parameters
closely follow the default query parameters found in wrk2
threads: 2
max_threads: 2
connections: 10
duration: 10s
request_rate: 500