This map generator roughly follows this article. I like to handle the voronoi cells as selectable regions, that is where this project is a bit different.
- Polygons
- Map representation (more or less)
- Islands
- Elevation
- Rivers
- Moisture
- Biomes
- Noisy edges
- More noise
- Smooth biome transitions
- Distorted biome transitions
It uses a custom GDExtension addon that provides a faster C++ implementation of Poisson-Disc-Sampling and a Delaunator. Originally used GDScript implementations, this for the Delaunator and a custom one for the PDS algorithm. The move to C++ improved the speed of the generator roughly by 50%-60%.
The custom addon is located here.
The menu is fully translated in german and english. A generated island. A selected cell is highlighted and information about that cell are displayed on the left or drawn directly over the island.