👋 Hi, I’m @Pedr0Leite, I'm a Software Application Developer with a true passion for coding.
👀 I’m interested in JavaScript, NodeJS, React, TypeScript, NextJS, Python, C#, Ethical Hacking, and Coding in general! I also love spending time doing some coding challenges on many platforms such as:
- HackerRank
- LeetCode
- Codewars
🌱 I’m currently improving my skills with Python
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on any OpenSource project that I can help with, I love to help and contribute!
- Contributions:
- As-Raparigas-do-Codigo/jogo-das-profissoes (2022)
- Contributions:
📫 How to reach me -> https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedromgleite/